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No more paypal for me!


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Ok, I've just been hit with another chargeback.

I've absolutely had enough of this now. This bloke has even bought from me before and been perfectly happy with the service!


Now I've withdrawn the option for customers to pay with paypal, and I'm only accepting google checkout.


I know ECF has said we cannot post personal info here, but is there any harm in maintaining a simple list of email addresses of people who have made chargebacks? At least if we have a master blacklist somewhere, should an order come in from one of these email addresses, we can simply refund it, no questions asked.

Perhaps a private forum somewhere, that GSP's can sign up to, in order to post this info?

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My m8's Company take credit card fraud and unauthorized paypal payments very seriously. so they manually verify every order by calling the telephone number they provide in they account details. they do this to help reduce fraudulent credit card orders or unauthorized paypal payments and refrain them from using free e-mail services such as Gmail™, Hotmail® or Yahoo!®. and then if they are unable to verify the order over the phone, the order will immediately be refunded.

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We've talked about creating something in the past, I still feel its a viable solution to the issue, as too I agree some of these kids know how PayPal works, and abuse the providers, and the system as a whole. They don't deserve to get away with it.


I wouldn't suggest utilizing emails or names, just team names, or irc names. Personal information is a no no, but non discretional information should be fine to atleast give some sort of warning to others. I wouldn't mind being the secretary of such a list if others are indeed interested.



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Think you may have confused what I stated. No *personal* (Name, Address, State, Email, Phone) information would be shared. And we wouldn't be selling anything, it would just be a common list shared amongst legimate providers with verifiable tax id #'s. Only information that would be shared would be irc nicknames, clan names/community names and or common server names, xfire id's, steam friends id's. A lot of these 'moochers' will go from one company to the next until they run out of companies..A company per league season!


We would never give out personal information however, and this is just a thought at the moment :)

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  • 3 months later...

I spoke to PayPal customer service yesterday morning, I get hit with charge backs as well, But i win my cases when i provide all the evidence needed for the case.


It does annoy me though if someone did a charge back for say £500 to £1,000 which it has happened to me before and you have bills to pay, it can cause a big upset.


It also seems there website has a few issues, Its funny now because someone put a dispute in after paying for a dedicated server and i can't even respond.. I spoke to them and they said there having a few website issues, But now the case was closed and i didn't even get a chance to reply.


The "Resolve now" button the orange button every time i clicked it just said "sorry this link you just clicked has errors" and it was PayPal who put the dispute in on a payment due to it looking like someone hacked the customers PayPal account.


They need to shape up ASAP.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Actually it is in their policy that virtual goods are not available for disputes.. I do not know how anyone wins these. I have had actual real disputes with virtual.... goods, and paypal ALWAYS said sorry we do not allow disputes with ineligible virtual purchases... WTH ...... How do these punks get away with it?

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Now I've withdrawn the option for customers to pay with paypal, and I'm only accepting google checkout.


Google Checkout has the same terms as Paypal. There policy in fighting chargebacks on your behalf does not cover:


"Intangible goods, such as services and digital content."


Ref: http://checkout.google.com/support/sell/bin/answer.py?hl=en-uk&answer=38147


Chargebacks do seem to be more popular with Paypal though.. and i think every GSP would agree, something needs to be done. Only accepting "Verified" paypal payments is a step, but its nowhere near a solution.

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I've had one chargeback via google. I was contacted personally by one of their representatives who resolved it for me quickly. I simply supplied copies of email and logs quoting matching IP Addresses from the client and that was that. They reversed it.


When I had the same issue with paypal, they asked me to supply the information, which I did, clicked submit, and the case was automatically closed in seconds with no option for me to dispute further. It looks to me like paypal do not attempt to reverse any chargebacks at all. Basically unless it's an e-bay transaction, they don't care.

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