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It's out now. Does anyone know if they are going to have server filesfor this. Or do we have to buy a copy for our servers.




Nope... Haven't found anything except for what's on the DVD. :sad: Looks like another Quake deal... This time 3.5Gigs instead of 2.5... :sad:




Definately looking for a config for this myself. :grin:







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Hogie can you post your cfg file. I tried the manual config method, but it did not prompt me with the config has changed message etc....




If you could post that file up, I would be grateful :smile:




Just the mp_config.cfg file that is supposed to be created automatically aftee setting the directories etc..

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Sent ECF...




btw, here is a map list:





























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Im doing an install right now off this cleaned up/expanded config. It mostly just has the config file cleaned up.




I also added the active.txt in there, to point to the "server" profile, just to try to force it into action.

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I have an updated one to upload... but, I just found out, when you use the config_mp.cfg, it overwrites your file by the server...




Im going to convert to using a +exec server.cfg tonight, and hopefully post that here. That way it wont mess up my pretty comments I did for everything!

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Here's what Im running now... You need to copy your own config_mp into there, or it will say your config has changed... The +exec server.cfg works (I just setup a CTF server with just changing the map rotation line that was uncommented). This game is going to be a little more of a problem than usual, but I think this is what Im going to run on our servers now.


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I think this command if I remember correctly can be used to call external map config files that are not included in the server config file.




seta sv_mapRotationCurrent ""








seta sv_mapRotationCurrent "clanmapcycle.cfg"






I could be wrong though?





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in one of the iwd files is a bunch of config files. You can unzip it with winzip to look at it (I dont remember which one). It has the ctf, dm, etc rotations, and I copied them into that config file, and just commented them out. I am not sure how to call them directly, so I didn't try doing that.

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Instead of posting another txt file I will post a config I found on the net. Feel free to pick out the cvars you need.




<div class="pre"><pre>

Call of Duty 2 Dedicated Server Configuration file


// This config is set to CTF via the map rotation. If you would like to change to another gametype, use one of the map rotations at the bottom of this config.


// ************************************************** ***

// *********** Server Security & Errors *************

// ************************************************** ***



set rcon_password "%rconpassword%" //CHANGE ME

set sv_privatePassword "%%privatepassword%" // OPTIONAL CHANGE ME

set g_password "%privatepassword%" // Only used if you want to close your server to the public



set g_log "Server1_mp.log"

set g_logSync "1"


//SV Pure

set sv_pure "1"


//SV Cheats

set sv_cheats "0"


//Allowed Clans

set sv_allowedClan1 ""

set sv_allowedClan2 ""


//Disable Console

set sv_disableClientConsole "0"


set sv_reconnectlimit "3"


// ************************************************** ***

// ************ Public Info ****************************

// ************************************************** ***


// SETS/PUBLIC INFO (stuff that shows up in server info)


sets g_needpass "%isprivate%" // Denotes whether the server is public or private

sets .IRC "" // your IRC channel + server here (optional)

sets .Admin "" // Make it your IRC or site nick maybe (optional)

sets .Email "" // You're email address (optional)

sets .URL "" // your website here (optional)


// ************************************************** ***

// *********** Server Dvars ****************

// ************************************************** ***


// Hostname and MOTD

sv_hostname "%hostname%"

set scr_motd ""


// Reserved Slots

set sv_privateClients "" //Allows players to enter the server without taking up public slots



seta sv_allowAnonymous "0"

set sv_allowdownload "1"


// Server Packet Rate

set sv_maxRate "20000"


// Limit Laggers and reconnect spammers

set sv_reconnectlimit "3" // Limits how long a player must wait to reconnect to a server

set sv_minPing "0"

set sv_maxPing "220"


// - Banning

set g_banIPs ""


// AntiFlooding Settings

set sv_floodProtect "1"


// ************************************************** ***

// ******************** Voice *************************

// ************************************************** ***


set sv_voice "0"


set sv_voiceQuality "1"


// ************************************************** ***

// ******************** Map Rotation *******************

// ************************************************** ***


// Set the Gametype

//set g_gametype "ctf" // This is handled by the map rotation.


// Set the Map Rotation


set sv_MapRotation "gametype ctf map mp_breakout gametype ctf map mp_brecourt gametype ctf map mp_burgundy gametype ctf map mp_carentan gametype ctf map mp_dawnville gametype ctf map mp_decoy gametype ctf map mp_downtown gametype ctf map mp_farmhouse gametype ctf map mp_leningrad gametype ctf map mp_matmata gametype ctf map mp_railyard gametype ctf map mp_toujane gametype ctf map mp_trainstation"


set sv_maprotationcurrent ""


// Match Setup Options

// Use these to set how your server will play a map.


// CTF

set scr_ctf_scorelimit "5"

set scr_ctf_timelimit "30"


// S&D

//set scr_sd_bombtimer "60"

//set scr_sd_graceperiod "15"

//set scr_sd_roundlength "4"

//set scr_sd_roundlimit "0"

//set scr_sd_scorelimit "10"

//set scr_sd_timelimit "0"


// TDM

//set scr_tdm_scorelimit "300"

//set scr_tdm_timelimit "30"


// DM

//set scr_dm_scorelimit "50"

//set scr_dm_timelimit "30"


// HQ

//set scr_hq_scorelimit "600"

//set scr_hq_timelimit "30"


// ************************************************** ***

// ***************** Gameplay Dvars ****************

// ************************************************** ***


// Team Icons

set scr_drawfriend "1"


// Friendly Fire

set scr_friendlyfire "0"


// Kill Cam & Spectate

set scr_killcam "0"

set scr_spectatefree "0"

set scr_spectateenemy "0"


// Auto Team Balance

set scr_teambalance "1"


// Force Respawn

set scr_forcerespawn "1"


// ************************************************

// ******************* Voting *********************

// ************************************************


set g_allowvote "0"


// ************************************************** ***

// ************ Weapon Settings ************************

// ************************************************** ***


// Weapon Ammo Pools

set g_weaponAmmoPools "0"



set scr_allow_enfieldsniper "1"

set scr_allow_kar98ksniper "1"

set scr_allow_nagantsniper "1"

set scr_allow_springfield "1"

set scr_allow_svt40 "1"


// Rifles

set scr_allow_enfield "1"

set scr_allow_kar98k "1"

set scr_allow_m1carbine "1"

set scr_allow_m1garand "1"

set scr_allow_nagant "1"

set scr_allow_g43 "1"


// MGs

set scr_allow_bar "1"

set scr_allow_bren "1"

set scr_allow_mp44 "1"

set scr_allow_ppsh "1"



set scr_allow_sten "1"

set scr_allow_mp40 "1"

set scr_allow_thompson "1"

set scr_allow_pps42 "1"

set scr_allow_greasegun "1"


// Shotgun

set scr_allow_shotgun "1"


// Grenades

set scr_allow_smokegrenades "1"

set scr_allow_fraggrenades "1"





// Below is a listing of Map Rotations for each gametype, along with gametype settings.


//Map Rotations



//set sv_mapRotation "gametype tdm map mp_breakout gametype tdm map mp_brecourt gametype tdm map mp_burgundy gametype tdm map mp_carentan gametype tdm map mp_dawnville gametype tdm map mp_decoy gametype tdm map mp_downtown gametype tdm map mp_farmhouse gametype tdm map mp_leningrad gametype tdm map mp_matmata gametype tdm map mp_railyard gametype tdm map mp_toujane gametype tdm map mp_trainstation"



//set sv_mapRotation "gametype ctf map mp_breakout gametype ctf map mp_brecourt gametype ctf map mp_burgundy gametype ctf map mp_carentan gametype ctf map mp_dawnville gametype ctf map mp_decoy gametype ctf map mp_downtown gametype ctf map mp_farmhouse gametype ctf map mp_leningrad gametype ctf map mp_matmata gametype ctf map mp_railyard gametype ctf map mp_toujane gametype ctf map mp_trainstation"



//set sv_mapRotation "gametype dm map mp_breakout gametype dm map mp_brecourt gametype dm map mp_burgundy gametype dm map mp_carentan gametype dm map mp_dawnville gametype dm map mp_decoy gametype dm map mp_downtown gametype dm map mp_farmhouse gametype dm map mp_leningrad gametype dm map mp_matmata gametype dm map mp_railyard gametype dm map mp_toujane gametype dm map mp_trainstation"



//set sv_mapRotation "gametype hq map mp_breakout gametype hq map mp_brecourt gametype hq map mp_burgundy gametype hq map mp_carentan gametype hq map mp_dawnville gametype hq map mp_decoy gametype hq map mp_downtown gametype hq map mp_farmhouse gametype hq map mp_leningrad gametype hq map mp_matmata gametype hq map mp_railyard gametype hq map mp_toujane gametype hq map mp_trainstation"



//set sv_mapRotation "gametype sd map mp_breakout gametype sd map mp_brecourt gametype sd map mp_burgundy gametype sd map mp_carentan gametype sd map mp_dawnville gametype sd map mp_decoy gametype sd map mp_downtown gametype sd map mp_farmhouse gametype sd map mp_leningrad gametype sd map mp_matmata gametype sd map mp_railyard gametype sd map mp_toujane gametype sd map mp_trainstation"




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