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Far Cry (aka farcry, far-cry)


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There really is no clear instructions on Far Cry in the forums so I am putting this together for everyone who is trying this game for the first time




(1) Purchase the game and install it on your home pc


(2) Patch to v1.4 - http://farcry.filefront.com/files/Far_Cry/Official_Releases/Patches;3595


(3) Copy the following 2 files from your C:\Windows\system32 folder





and paste them in the C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Crytek\Far Cry\Bin32 folder.


(4) Rar the entire Far Cry install on your home pc and upload to the server


(5) Unpackage the files into the following folder:




(6) Upload the attached TCAdmin config into your System Settings >> Supported Game section


I believe this is the same config that is floating around the forums with no modifications.




Bugs - I can not get this game server to run on my Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition R2 x64 Service Pack 2 but it runs fine on a Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition x64 Service Pack 2 remote. I guess this game does not get along with all operating systems.

Far Cry v1.40.txt

Edited by JasonF
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  • 6 months later...

I know this is a few months old, lol, but looks like you are the knowledgable one about this game. I'd like to host this for our clan, but seems you had a buggy issue w/ Standard WS2K3x64. Is that still the case or did you find a workaround?


Thanks for any input you may have or anyone else.

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After some research on learning about this game, b/c I'm only familiar with Steam OB games, I came across the following:




It's a full v1.4 dedicated server zip. It also has the 2 files in the BIN32 folder like you mention.


I installed this game (C:\Gameinstalls\FARCRY) and used your config to create the game server. Minor adjustment in the system settings after config import.


Only thing I do not understand is how this game launches (ie., command line via profiles?). The profile file calls the game type, number of players, server name, etc. as well as the mapcycle.txt file. Yet, there is no Command line Icon.


Could some one please share some insight on this aspect as I believe that is my only hangup.


Much appreciated.

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