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Customer form Hell


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Watch out for this customer, he goes by the name cody, or cody123, or silent bullet.


He will ask a lot of questions about your refund policy. He will then order a server and cancel it prior to the end of the refund period.


During the time he rents a server he will try to inundate you with support request by asking for every Mod and Map he can find to be loaded on the server. He then goes into the server and deletes files and deletes lines out of the server.cfg just so he can submit a support ticket and complain about the server.


The first server he rented was cancelled 8 hours later. During those 8 hours, we received 6 support ticket request for Mods and Maps. After we get the server setup with the Mods he cancelled it.


The second server was up for 3 days. In those 3 days, we received an average of 15 support request a day. Again, after getting his server setup with all the Mods and fixing all of the deleted files and replacing the server.cfg several times he cancelled the server.


This is some little kid that thinks it is funny to create work for the GSP and complain about his server.


If you run into him good luck.

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Why are policy upfront is no refunds. If it is our fault (even pings which are not truely our fault) we have happily refunded. But our TOS makes it legal for us to refuse refunds.

We also clearly tell our clients that uploading maps and mods for them is on a when we have time basis, discouraging those who want you to run there server for them.

Also be carefull about giving out client information, it could open you up to lawsuits Sickpuppy.

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