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Compatability Questions

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Guest Unregistered

I am the server operations manager for the Brothers of Chaos multi-gaming clan. We have a dedicated Windows Server 2k3 Standard box running 4 public Team Fortress 2 servers and a public Left4Dead server, with installs of a TF2 SourceMod code test server, a CAL TF2 match server, and a private TF2 Tournament server that can be started when needed. We were looking into our options for a game server control panel so that we could give members of our clan access to restarting the public servers and bringing up the match and tournament servers without having to give people remote access to the dedicated box.


The only system requirement that our current setup does not support is access to IIS. We have a VPS server running apache on linux for web and SQL database hosting. We could install a web server on our dedicated box if need be (as that would give us access to the .NET framework dependencies), but we do not wish to purchase IIS licensing, as it is expensive, and the cost would not be justified for the purposes of being able to reboot a few game servers remotely.


My question is whether or not it would be possible to run the scripts or web applications necessary for the web server functionality on a windows install of apache or a similar web server install.


Thanks for any help you can give.


Matt Stanton

Server Operations Manager

Brothers of Chaos Multi-Gaming Clan


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Install the IIS on your dedicated box, and use TCAdmin.. You don't have to "pay" anything for IIS. If it is not installed you will need the windows files on your HD to set it up, if it is not installed already. Ask your host to install the files for you on your dedicated box, as it is part of the windows install, and if it is not installed already it will ask for the CD or the location of the files needed to setup your windows as a webserver(IIS)..

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for the info. I wasn't aware of this, as I am a complete windows server noob. Probably the last time I had heard anything about IIS was back int he NT 4.0 days. The BoC clan leader talked with our provider and they set it up for us, so once we have some donations together, we're planning on looking into this further. It would certainly make my life easier to have a web interface to the dedicated server. I've already been loving having the ftp daemon from IIS on the server since I can now upload files directly to the server instead of to our web host ftp, then ftping to it from the box in remote desktop.


The main idea would be to have it set up so that we can create a standard install of CS:S, TF2, and L4D servers, with the option of installing SourceMod 1.1.0 or 1.2.0 (for the L4D server). Also, we would like to be able to set each member of the clan up with a personal login that has grouped permissions. That is, give some admins the ability to restart the servers, people on the dev team the ability to commit and compile code for the Beta Test server, and for a couple of us to be able to install the finished plugins on the production servers.


I realize that TCAdmin is likely radical overkill for such a simple task list, but 1) we don't want to mess around with amateur attempts at control panels and 2) there aren't really a lot of options when it comes to control panels for game servers (that is, most are specifically for use by GSPs).


Are there ways included to nerf theautomatic user creation and billing abilities? Like, set it up in such a way that users can only be manually created by admin users?

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