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Looking for a fully working


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server.cfg or both :s


look my logs :


"Working directory: C:\UserFiles\ADMIN\GameServers\TC64136285306403383754710

Server: PB Log File C:\UserFiles\ADMIN\GameServers\TC64136285306403383754710\pb\svlogs\00000001.log Opened for WAW (w)

Server: 0 Power Players loaded from C:\UserFiles\ADMIN\GameServers\TC64136285306403383754710\pb\pbpower.dat

Server: 0 PB Rcon Filters loaded from C:\UserFiles\ADMIN\GameServers\TC64136285306403383754710\pb\pbrcon.dat

Server: 0 Map lines loaded from C:\UserFiles\ADMIN\GameServers\TC64136285306403383754710\pb\pbsvmaps.cfg

Server: Attempting to resolve master4.evenbalance.com

Server: Resolved to []

Server: PunkBuster Server (v1.680 | A1402 C2.080) Enabled

Huffman Took 1 Milliseconds

Hitch warning: 6997 msec frame time

IP specified on command line, setting to:

Advertising on

Server: Game Version [Call of Duty Multiplayer COD_WaW MP build 1.0.1017 CL(230909) JADAMS2 Sat Nov 08 21:37:51 2008 win-x86]

Session creation complete!

dvar set ui_hud_hardcore 0


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I have the same logs :s


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Server: Game Version [Call of Duty Multiplayer COD_WaW MP build 1.0.1017 CL(230909) JADAMS2 Sat Nov 08 21:37:51 2008 win-x86]

Session creation complete!

dvar set ui_hud_hardcore 0



The server is not starting what's "dvar set ui_hud_hardcore 0" ?

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On gams_mp.log : 0:00 ------------------------------------------------------------

0:00 InitGame: \fxfrustumCutoff\1000\g_compassShowEnemies\0\g_gametype\ctf\gamename\Call of Duty: World at War\mapname\mp_airfield\penetrationCount\5\protocol\94\shortversion\1\sv_allowAnonymous\0\sv_disableClientConsole\0\sv_floodprotect\4\sv_hostname\COD:WaW Server\sv_maxclients\12\sv_maxPing\155\sv_maxRate\25000\sv_minPing\0\sv_privateClients\0\sv_punkbuster\1\sv_pure\1\sv_voice\0\ui_maxclients\32

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Make a cup of Tea and watch your world crumble around you


Or just sit with the vodka and fix it accidentally :p

I'd do it for you but i'm a mean bitch :p

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Your topic was


Looking for a fully working


HIS-MOTHER config works just fine its just you


If a Girl can get it working .....

Why cannot you ...

Your in the GSP industry , well sort of

I would go back to your drawing board think about it instead of asking other people to do your thinking for you, otherwise you will never learn !


anyway off out now have fun :p

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Well, I download the game 4 times, tried many configs, looked @ logs, removed the firewall, activated it, opened the ports.. Found nothing in the logs except the ui hud harcore (error ?) and the server is not starting but seems to respond T_T.

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Well you should do, not enough girls in this industry who can deal with this type of thing


tell you what 14.99 GBP excluding VAT and i'll do it for you :p

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