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Some news... Prices the usual


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Lets look at it from a different perspective, they've probably spent all year building up their profits, now is the time for them to bulge in an offer of some sort (temporarily) - hence the big capitalised text that states *limited time only* - they can probably build up a userbase of customers who will spread the word from this.


It's not as if they have had their prices at that price since they started offering services :D

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Anyone know any good dedicated server renting companies, b/c the only location i have is MD :( with at least 20 megabit upload



Shoot me an email, todd.holley@gmail.com.


I can do Chicago for you same day.

Dallas may take a week or so.

NY may take ~24-48 hours.


We have some core2quads available, but could work something else out for you if you would like.

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At the rates Counter-Strike.com is charging that is indicative of a larger problem with their business. You don't give your product away when everything is great, right?


Agreed. Even 99c per slot is just about giving the product away.

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Just the latest casualty trying to fight a price war they have no chance of winning. There's 100's of examples of this not working already. Most are working at McDonalds now..


The price at which you sell your product selects the type of customer you will attract. The more "79 Cent" customers you have, the bigger your queues will be. The bigger your queues are, the more staff you hire. The more staff you hire, the more they eat into that $0.79/slot server cost. Which leads to people going broke - or unable to keep up with support requests.


Lets not forget, they use Mzima. So the network to start with is shoddy at best.

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Very true Steven, There are many different business models to choose from that's for sure.


Larger companies can sustain taking a 'hit' by dropping prices on occasion in an effort to rein in the market. But.. This method can only work "IF" your getting enough new income per month to justify losing a percentage to churn.


If your a smaller company or just getting into the business you shouldn't consider this model. You won't be able to sustain it for the period of time it takes to actually start turning a profit and won't build the recognition quickly enough to get your name out there. Slow and steady always wins the race :)

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I wouldn't consider ourselves "small" anymore. Obviously not the size of Defcon or anything. However we could probably turn a profit at that pricing model, but it still breaks down to support levels for me. People who pay more, know what they want, know how to run there server, and require very little help. They just demand uptime and quality of service. I prefer those types of customers over the "79 cent" customers.


Ideally I would prefer mostly dedicated customers, but you guys got that market on lockdown with the gamer communities and clans.


However we have our own "low cost" program launching soon, but it won't be nearly that low.


The quality of the customer, determines the quality of service.

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