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Very Shady GSP everyone keep your eyes out


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http://nationgameservers.com/ Guys name is Brett.


Well everyone I am going to notify all the other providers about this company now that I have verified he is doing extremely shady stuff effecting all of us providers involved in AA Honor



The story on this guy is as follows. He came to me looking for a colo deddy server that he can start his GSP business on so after multiple chats we worked out a deal and I sold him a dedicated server. And during the setup of his server and assisting him he told me he needs to make 100% sure Americas Army is loaded on his server and I said I would be happy to do that. He then decides to tell me that he is going to sale AA Servers and hack the honor on them. Within 15 minutes I reversed his order and had his money refunded the next day and said he can go to another provider because I will not support and legally should not support someone who makes it very clear that he is doing something that quite frankly is completely BS.


So after being called multiple names, cuss words, and multiple threats towards our company that I have saved in my xfire logs. I removed him off my Xfire so he finally shut up and left me alone. I now know he has gone to another provider and I will now be contacting that other provider to make sure they are aware that they have a colo customer hacking honor that effects their business directly considering they are also an AA Honor Provider.


As far as proof we have verified over 4 or 5 servers he has sold to customers as non honor then honor hacked them. I just got out of an xfire chat with a customer who said he is getting 2 26 slot honor servers for $70 dollars a month and the customer openly admitted that he knows the provider is hacking the honor.


I have sent multiple reports to Pragmatic. My reason for bringing this forward to the other GSP's is mainly to let all of you know that NGS is effecting all of our business by hacking honor. We are doing everything the way we should be and this company is hacking honor and taking potential customers away from us.


I have the chat logs so Brett if you are in these forums I knew your "I was joking line" was an outright lie to me and this is the exact reason I did not want your business.


TCAdmin folks I am not sure if I am allowed to post this or not but I do have the proof but if I was not supposed to post this then thats my bad :)



Good Day all happy selling!

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You did the right thing dude. As an AA Honor provider, which is not cheap, I hate to see hackers that sell illegal Honor servers.


If I even suspect that a GSP is selling illegal Ranked or Honor servers I report them.


There are also a few GSps out there using a hack to sell Ranked EA servers.

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As far as the posted information there is no personal information mention other than a first name which falls within forum rules.


As far as providers hacking/cracking servers to make them something they are not I am fully against it. If eveyone else needs to pay throught the nose ot provide honor server then so should any company.


Please try to keep this thread on topic and do not bash, flame or turn this into a pissing match or it will be deleted. As it stands now it is fine as an informatiional post to warn others.

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Thank you ECF, only person that would cause it is Brett but he doesnt have a leg to stand on. He knows he is doing it and its very easy to prove that he is doing it.



hey Sick Puppy I wouldnt put it past him to be doing that with Ranked servers for EA also. If he will do it with honor he will just about do anything im sure.

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Guest NGS-Brett

Ok primary targer, and tcadmin community,


I am Brett Reisman CEO of NationGameServers.com


We provider NON honor aa servers starting at $1.50 a slot.


There are NO honor mods installed on my end. However we have heard alot of controversial comments that there are mods uploaded on the customers end.

I have proof from tcadmin logs that mods were uploaded on the customers end.


We do not supply illegal mods. And do not plan on it.

Xfire chat logs CAN be altered and changed to discourage a company who may have provided crapy hosting.


So... back when i came to you guys i was joking about an honor mod knowing that there is one that does exist.


Im will be applying for a honor license in a few months once i get $1,000.


Please contact me if you have any more concerns. support@nationgameservers.com

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Welcome Brett :)


Considering I have chat logs of your customers saying they bought an honor server from you not that they bought a non honor server from you and hacked it themselves.


Dont you find it all to weird that the problem you had with me and supposedly joking about hacked honor servers and now your quote customers are hacking their honor servers but your not doing anything it was your customers doing it. So basically your blaming all your customers for hacking their servers. LOL


Do the tcadmin community a favor and dont feed them this excuse that your customers are the ones that are hacking the honor without your knowledge.


My next posts will be the chat logs from our conversation and your customers conversations with me saying they got an honor server from YOUR Company


Think about this Brett before posting and digging yourself deeper.

if indeed what you say is true which it is not, Why would they come to me for an honor server. Wouldnt they just say hey PT can I get a non honor server from you for x amount of dollars then they would just hack the honor on it without my knowledge?? But instead they are coming to me saying this provider "YOU" got them an honor server for x amount of dollars and wants our company to match it.


Just do yourself a favor and stop playing like you dont know whats going on and quite frankly I doubt Pragmatic will give you any chance to be a provider after clearly getting caught doing illegal krap with full intent to make profit and not pay near what normal providers have to pay for honor.


Enjoy and remember next post will be the chat logs of our conversation and once everyone in this great community reads the chat log, you wont stand a chance to get a dedicated server from any reputable provider that is involved with tcadmin and in the gaming server community.


Also I will be happy to get your customers and chat with them to explain to them that now they are getting blamed for putting the aa honor hack on and im sure that will really help your business when the customers realize that because their provider cant fess up to a mistake that they all get thrown under the bus. Your better off saying ok I screwed up and save any customers you have because they will be pissed when they find out you just blamed them.


Good Day

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Guest NGS-Brett

Ryan just because i have more customers thwn you have now doesnt mean you have to snap at me.


You can fight me how ever you want i could care less...


Dg crusade and geek both mod creators give their mods and sell them to my customers then they install them onto my server...


I wont turn a customer down brcause they have illeagle mods..


Post what you want 2.6 is old and no one cares about 2.6 its not aupportrd with honor and i will be applying for honor

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Good Stuff that reply just made my day. Good luck applying for honor and good job on getting more customers than us.


Also noted that is 1 story change within 2 posts. Went from customers faults to now its the people that made the honor hacks faults.

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My problem with this thread is it his word vs the other person's. None of us here were on xfire with them so anything they post can potentially be altered. I can also guarantee this will be nothing more than a back and forth thread between the 2 companies and should be deleted.

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Well Jason,


That is his entire goal bro is to hope it gets deleted. Its not between just two companies this effects all companies that host AA honor.


im not replying to him because he just openly admitted to it and also already changed his story once went from blaming his customers to blaming some mod makers and customers.


If you hosted AA Honor and you were aware how much legit providers pay to be apart of that program you would not say to delete this post.


ask other AA honor providers and they will 100% agree this is not acceptable and should not be deleted because this guy is taking customers away from all AA honor providers. Not just Primary Target.

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Please keep the comments to the facts at hand an do not lose focus with "your mom musy be proud" type of comments please.


If you wish to discuss the issue at hand that is fine but please keep it to the facts that you can prove.


Also, I do not want to see private chat logs posted here as that would violate our privacy policy.


Thank you,

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I am Brett Reisman CEO of NationGameServers.com

Where is your LLC, LCP, or INC?


Im will be applying for a honor license in a few months once i get $1,000.

Doesn't look like you'll make it that far with your terrible grammar and spelling skills.


Ryan just because i have more customers thwn you have now doesnt mean you have to snap at me.

Put simply, no you don't. Primary target has been around for quite a long time. Your lieing through your teeth.


You can fight me how ever you want i could care less...

I half expected that statement to end with "meet me behind the slide at 3".


Dg crusade and geek both mod creators give their mods and sell them to my customers then they install them onto my server...


I wont turn a customer down brcause they have illeagle mods..

I'll ignore the fact that you don't know how to spell illegal or other various words and focus in on knowingly running illegally cracked servers. Your not very intelligent are you? You realize that you can be sued, your IP ranges delisted, and brought up on formal piracy charges?


Post what you want 2.6 is old and no one cares about 2.6 its not aupportrd with honor and i will be applying for honor

The game developers care, if you think otherwise your sadly mistaken.

Spelling Corrections Needed






I didn't feel like proofreading your entire post, however for a small fee I can proofread all your posts with some of that money from your extravagantly large customer base you claim to have.



This folks is why you shouldn't be allowed to start a business or register a domain name under the age of 18.

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I removed the mom comment ECF :) and I wont post the chat logs because he has already proved what he is doing is 100% completely wrong. All the proper authorities directly effected have the chat logs and all the evidence and proof they need. I will share the logs off forums if anyone wants them but will not post them here per your request.


Only thing I will request ECF is if you do need to do something lock the topic but if you remove this post, other providers will not be aware of this guy and his company. You see the posts he has made thats really all the proof we need to make sure his company gets revealed.



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Ok. We have heard from both sides. While neither side can produce hard proof of their claims (due to privacy and legal issues) we will simply let the reader decide for themselves.


I think it is time to lock this as stated above before it get out of hand and becomes a flame fest.

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