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Killing Floor Slots- questions

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My guess is they are full of it, or someone has created a mod. Ask them to show you the 20 slot servers? I get requests all the time claiming more slots can be had on a game then I know the max as, but they never seem to have a larger one to show me and I never see larger ones. Customers allways love to claim it can be done, hoping you'll find a way.

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I quick pullup of the server you specified lead to the mod being used. I have attached it and here are the edits to get more players.


Modify killingfloor.ini and add this (replace 20 with the amount of players you would like to support)






BE CAREFUL though, I know steam has banned IPs from there list in the past for max player count mods. Not saying they will. Just be prepared to possibly loose master list ability on IPs you choose to use this on. Use at your own risk.


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I quick pullup of the server you specified lead to the mod being used. I have attached it and here are the edits to get more players.


Modify killingfloor.ini and add this (replace 20 with the amount of players you would like to support)






BE CAREFUL though, I know steam has banned IPs from there list in the past for max player count mods. Not saying they will. Just be prepared to possibly loose master list ability on IPs you choose to use this on. Use at your own risk.

Yeah I've seen them blacklist IP's and even whole ranges from the masterserver for specific mods which change certain things about a game.


If the IP does get blacklisted, it will be for every game and not just for Killing Floor due to it recently happening on one of our boxes. We got the blacklist removed though.

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Yeah I've seen them blacklist IP's and even whole ranges from the masterserver for specific mods which change certain things about a game.


If the IP does get blacklisted, it will be for every game and not just for Killing Floor due to it recently happening on one of our boxes. We got the blacklist removed though.


really? how did you ever get off the blacklist? i never knew STEAM was that nice lol

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The KVmmaxplayer is a blacklisted mutator, means that if you use it Perks will be disabled on your server nothing else but enough to make players never play on it and customers not buy it.


I got a trick to keep up a server with more than 6 slots and got a 32 men demo server running :


that has nothing to do with a mutator and you better not sell 6+ slots server using the mutator cuz your clients will ask for a refund (no1 wants perks disabled on KF) OR warn them that by ordering a 6+ slots server they will have to manually enter a command after each map change OR use a mutator that will disable perks but keep it 6+ slots automatically even when no admins are on server.


Im not gona share how I managed to do it as it took me a long and hard worktime to figure it out.

Altho as I host servers in Europe only I can discuss this with US GSP's as far as they dont have any european location.

You can contact me by email on admin[at]roxservers[dot]com if you are interested.

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where in europe ur host? iam from austria, so maybe u can also give it to us.........or not?


Well dont misunderstand me, i wont "give" it to any1.

I currently have exclusitity over Europe and ofc I want to keep it.


If any1 wants exclusitity over Eastern Europe, US, Australia, or Asia Im ok to discuss any offer you can make. If more than 1 person is interested then there will be bids as we talk about exclusivity.



Sry Jaggl, even if I currently have only France as location, Germany and Austria are "too close for KF" as it uses UDP protocol and ping doesnt matter as much as it does for CSS for exemple. I got KF customers from UK, France, Germany, Turkey, etc. I would be ok to discuss some kind of partnership for KF but I dont really see how we could manage on getting an agreement over this as the servers would have to be hosted on my machines. Altho if you are reallty interested and got an idea to submit feel free to contact me.

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Well dont misunderstand me, i wont "give" it to any1.

I currently have exclusitity over Europe and ofc I want to keep it.


If any1 wants exclusitity over Eastern Europe, US, Australia, or Asia Im ok to discuss any offer you can make. If more than 1 person is interested then there will be bids as we talk about exclusivity.



Sry Jaggl, even if I currently have only France as location, Germany and Austria are "too close for KF" as it uses UDP protocol and ping doesnt matter as much as it does for CSS for exemple. I got KF customers from UK, France, Germany, Turkey, etc. I would be ok to discuss some kind of partnership for KF but I dont really see how we could manage on getting an agreement over this as the servers would have to be hosted on my machines. Altho if you are reallty interested and got an idea to submit feel free to contact me.


I am sorry, none of this sound legal.... ECF?

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Not sure what you think is illegal there is no law saying you must share knowledge, antimonopoly laws don't require companies to divulge trade secrets. Dream on ;)

But It is almost a mute point as ECF provided they main key for it, now all that a GSP has to do is be willing to put a little bit of work into it. But then we are seeing more and more think they should be spoon fed everything.

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Not sure what you think is illegal there is no law saying you must share knowledge, antimonopoly laws don't require companies to divulge trade secrets. Dream on ;)

But It is almost a mute point as ECF provided they main key for it, now all that a GSP has to do is be willing to put a little bit of work into it. But then we are seeing more and more think they should be spoon fed everything.




Btw what ECF posted issomething very known to the public and that can be found on the official tripwire forums.

Maybe GSP should care a lil more about the games they host and get a mimimum of info before providing gameservers if they wana be able to solve their customers problems.

Nothing personal but Im disappoited seeing ppl who even dare asking how comes they cant set the game to 20 slots by editing killingfloor.ini when killing floor is a 6 men game. To me it sounds like they just want some extra incomes adding a new line to their services list without spending time working on it.

For every single game I add I spend hours reading official forums, faq's, reviews etc. As an ex customer I now see why I was so much disappointed by the services I was paying for back in the times.

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I am sorry, none of this sound legal.... ECF?


what do u mean by not sounding legal?

You are free to mod the game and as far as I know there not yet a gameserver police knocking at doors if you mod something. Not to mention KF itself is a game ported from a mod so I could hardly imagine illegal modding of it lol

Just check the official tripwire forums, they stated about it, too lazy to search the post but it was something like "We are officially not supporting more than 6 slots servers as the game was designed to be a 6 men game"

ie "modders go on and do what you want but we are not gona give support if your game crashes or CPU burns".

See it as overclocking : this is not illegal but you gota do it at your own risks running your own tests and paying for ur own mistakes :)

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Oh I forgot to say that my method is fully automated and doesnt require any manual intervention so its compatible with automated instant setup (I use it with ClientExec but can be done with any other). It is ofc method working on windows.


The non automated method is really easy to figure out and any1 spending a few minutes on it would get it working. But i like when all is autocreated so I can focuse on support only :) thats what valuable in my method, a manual one is pointless to me.

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well, sorry I don't see how if a Game company will BLACK list you for making a change to the amount of slots you can have, then how can it be "legal"


This was my reference


BE CAREFUL though, I know steam has banned IPs from there list in the past for max player count mods. Not saying they will. Just be prepared to possibly loose master list ability on IPs you choose to use this on. Use at your own risk.


But hey do what you want.

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  • 3 weeks later...
The KVmmaxplayer is a blacklisted mutator, means that if you use it Perks will be disabled on your server nothing else but enough to make players never play on it and customers not buy it.


I got a trick to keep up a server with more than 6 slots and got a 32 men demo server running :


that has nothing to do with a mutator and you better not sell 6+ slots server using the mutator cuz your clients will ask for a refund (no1 wants perks disabled on KF) OR warn them that by ordering a 6+ slots server they will have to manually enter a command after each map change OR use a mutator that will disable perks but keep it 6+ slots automatically even when no admins are on server.


Im not gona share how I managed to do it as it took me a long and hard worktime to figure it out.

Altho as I host servers in Europe only I can discuss this with US GSP's as far as they dont have any european location.

You can contact me by email on admin[at]roxservers[dot]com if you are interested.


I wasn't going to share until I seen this post so. Proof that it works.


Also it only took 3 mins for one of my admins to write this up.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<title>CvG Killing Floor MaxPlayers Enforcer</title>
<HTA:APPLICATION ID="HTA" width="640" height="480" />
<script type="text/javascript">
var mutex = false;
var src = "http://username:password@serverip/ServerAdmin/current_console_send";
var cmd = new Array();
var func = new Array();
cmd[0] = "set Engine.GameInfo MaxPlayers 32";
cmd[1] = "set KFMod.KFGameType MaxZombiesOnce 64"
cmd[2] = "set IpDrv.TcpNetDriver MaxClientRate 24000";
cmd[3] = "set IpDrv.TcpNetDriver MaxInternetClientRate 24000";
//cmd[4] = "set IpDrv.TcpNetDriver NetServerMaxTickRate 20";
//cmd[5] = "set IpDrv.TcpNetDriver LanServerMaxTickRate 35";

for ( var i = 0; i < cmd.length ; i++ )
func[i] = new Function( "frames[0].window.document.forms[0].SendText.value = cmd["+i+"];" );

function update() {
if ( mutex ) return;
mutex = true;
var i = 0, t = 0;
for ( ; i < cmd.length; i++ ) {
	setTimeout( func[i], t+=250 );
	setTimeout( update_click, t+=250 );
	setTimeout( update_reset, t+=1500 );
setTimeout( update_finished, t );

function update_reset() {
frames[0].navigate( src );
function update_click() {

function update_finished() {
mutex = false;

window.onload = function () {
setInterval( update, 100 );

function returnTrue() { return true; }
function returnFalse() { return false; }

window.onerror = returnTrue;

window.resize( 640, 480 )

<body scroll="no" border="0" >
<iframe width="600" height="440" onerror="returnTrue()" border="0"></iframe>


Put this in a batch file and your good to go.



Warning the game will use 20 to 25% of your cpu. It did on my 9400 with 8 gigs of ram.

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