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i dont actually own the game so idont have much of a clue what to put in the config files to get it running :(


afaik there isnt a mission set, that may be the problem.


players vote for mission at connecting to the server. Just use the copy you bought for the server , install it on ur comp and give a try, that may help u to see what its all about.

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You can disable voting of missions on connect.


Heres how I do it on my server. Add to the server.cfg and change map to be what you want:


class Missions


class MP7Cav // name for the mission, can be anything


template =co50_Domination_7Cav_v2.Chernarus;

cadetMode = 1; // difficulty 0=veteran 1=cadet (not only AI, but radar, map etc)




Also heres my CPU usage


50man Domination:


14% CPU usage

510 megs of ram

Edited by mikobiko
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You can disable voting of missions on connect.


Heres how I do it on my server. Add to the server.cfg and change map to be what you want:


class Missions


class MP7Cav // name for the mission, can be anything


template =co50_Domination_7Cav_v2.Chernarus;

cadetMode = 1; // difficulty 0=veteran 1=cadet (not only AI, but radar, map etc)




Also heres my CPU usage


50man Domination:


14% CPU usage

510 megs of ram


There is no way you are only using 14% cpu when the server is full 50/50. I was seeing 10% CPU with like 8 people on a harpertown.

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im on a quad 9550 and 8gb rams


im seeing on a 32/32 full server

it taking 25% with 600MB used.


o_O i guess it will stay the same when ti get higher slots?



Probably not, could be more could be less.


It depends on your bw config and on the mission running.


I got an emptyserver using 25% CPU cuz of persistent battlefield enabled.

And I got a full 22 slots using 20% CPU cuz the mission running is different.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Question for you guys, so i am installing ArmA2 for the first time, i havnt installed ArmA before. So made the intial files like the server.cfg file and uploaded the entire game directory along with that file and the ArmA2Server.exe file. I install it in TCadmin and it shows up and i click on start to run it and it says it is running but i cant not join the server or anything.


Am i missing any other files? Now others have brought up the Armed_Assault2.txt config file. Am i suppose to do anything with that? Because im mainly used to using the server.cfg file.


Can someone tell me how exactly they setup the server in tcadmin that is running properly and how to fix the CPU hog that it is.



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  • 1 month later...

The command line changer is missing a lot of values. I was wondering how I might add some extra ones to the command line builder so they can enable and disable the ranking file. Some common ones that aren't under the command line builder are:




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The command line changer is missing a lot of values. I was wondering how I might add some extra ones to the command line builder so they can enable and disable the ranking file. Some common ones that aren't under the command line builder are:





cpucount is for troubleshooting only and should not be used in other cases


what is that ranking stuff? I assume what it is but i mean since when does it exist and how does it work exactly? If you can link us to some topic dealing about it cuz I didnt find anything yet.


edit : http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/-ranking

Edited by dimitrifrom31
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Admin Home > System Settings > Supported Games > Arma2 details > Command Line Parameters


and into your custom command line add %usercmdline% wherever you want the custom arguments to be. Get the existing cfg searching in forums and u ll get some of these already set.


PS ur link is for arma and im not sure all these arguments will work on arma2.

Basically the ones needed should be :







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Hey Guys,

I am running a few of these through the TC admin panel, but they are not showing in the browser list, anyone else having/had this happening?? any fixes??


EDIT: Fixed:

old gamespy url: arma2pc.gamespy.com

new gamespy url: arma2pc.master.gamespy.com


shows up now on the server lists

Edited by Kello
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