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A SourceTV relay? Or simply what setting you turn on to enable SourceTV? Source TV is different the HLTV it is built into every game and you simply turn it on or off in the games config. Basically they just took spectate a bit farther ;) The SourceTV file is for setting up a relay.

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Well i had a look around a bit, and now i clearly have to recommend to put the following startparameter in every source based game server:








this will not make it possible to set up source tv servers for the customers. And i handly it like this now:




If somebody wants a master source tv server he pays a really small additional fee per slot. If somebody wants a relay source tv server, for which a master source tv server is always needed (!) he will get the master for free and additionally the relay source tv server. But the master only for one slot so the relay can only connect on it. And here he will pay for the slots now. I got a config file for the relay stv server, you can check out here.




Id suggest to never give them ftp access to the stv relay server, doesnt make sense and they can change sltos too easily, ven thou this is possible by console aswell.




It sux pretty badly that stv is built in the source engine, but well, the wont learn anything.






SO here you go:


<table border="0" align="center" width="90%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td class="SmallText">Quote:</td></tr><tr><td class="quote">



<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>






<NAME>Relay Source TV</NAME>


























<DEFAULTCMDLINE>srcds.exe -game cstrike -console +exec stv.cfg</DEFAULTCMDLINE>


<DEFAULTCUSTOMCMDLINE>srcds.exe -game cstrike -console +exec stv.cfg %usercmdline%</DEFAULTCUSTOMCMDLINE>


<PRIVATECMDLINE>srcds.exe -game cstrike -console +exec stv.cfg</PRIVATECMDLINE>


<PRIVATECUSTOMCMDLINE>srcds.exe -game cstrike -console +exec stv.cfg %usercmdline%</PRIVATECUSTOMCMDLINE>


















































<DESCRIPTION>Set the IP for your Server to watch</DESCRIPTION>




































//?? DEUTSCH ??






//Willkommen zur Konfiguration Ihres Servers.


//F?r Anf?nger empfehlen wir die Template Konfigurationsfunktion zu Nutzen oder das folgende zu lesen.


//Fortgeschrittene k?nnen ohne bedenken gleich zur Konfiguration springen.




//Alles was hinter einem "kommentar" geschrieben ist (=>>`//`), wird vom serevr nicht gelesen und so auch nicht erkannt.


//Dies ist der simple Grund warum vor jeder Linie dieses Textes solch ein Kommentar gesetzt wurde. W?ren diese nicht


//vorhanden so w?rde der Server diesen Text als befehl zu erkennen und am Ende sehr viele Fehler ausspucken.


//Deshalb, alles was kein Kommando an den server ist, hinter solch einen "//" Kommentar.


//Dies gilt im ?brigen f?r alle Source Based Spiele.




//Die Befehle die Sie in diese Datei geben werden beim Server Start und jedem Map Wechsel ausgef?hrt, dabei gilt es zu


//beachten dass auch hier nur g?ltige befehle verwendet werden. Eine solche Liste finden Sie auf unserer Homepage




//Eine Befehls Syntax hat meist das Format des Vars und Cvars was heisst dass das erste Wort dem Server den Befehl gibt,


//und das zweite schliesslich den Befehl durchf?hrt.


//Beachten Sie bitte dass das zweite Wort stets in Ausrufezeichen gehalten werden sollte. Es gibt allerdings auch Befehle,


//bei denen der Server nur eine 1 bzw. 0 verlangt. In diesem Fall gilt stets 1 = an, 0 = aus.






//?? ENGLISH ??






//Welcome to the Configuration of your server.


//We highly recommend Beginners to use our Template Configuration file, or read the following text carefully.


//Advanced users may skip or delete this whole description part without any scrupulosity.




//Everything written behin a "comment" (=>>`//`), will not be recognized by the server at all. It will simply


//skip everything behind such a comment, the whole line. But be careful. Such a comment is required in every line.


//So please remember, everythign what is not a command has to be put behin such a comment.


//This by the way is true for all Source Games.




//The Commands you give in this file will be executed on every server start or level change. Please make sure to only use


//valid commands here, otherwise the server will output an error every startup or levelchagne in the game console, which


//spams everything up.


//The Syntax of commands is easy, a Var followed by a Cvar, this means:


//the first word is loading the command, the secon on is setting it. Please set the Cvar always in exclamation marks.


//There are a lot of Commands which want a simple 1 or 0 as Cvar, in this case, please remember:


//1 = on, 0 = off












//Server Definitions






//hostname definiert den Namen Ihres Servers, bitte entfernen Sie aber nicht die Brandmarkung des Servers,


//ausser Sie zahlen f?r diesen Service. Die Brandmarkung ist "by lightning-hosting.net" *!* Gro?-/Klein Schreibung beachten.




//hostname sets your servers name, please remember to not remove brandings except you paid for a brand free service.


//The Lightning-Hosting branding is: "by lightning-hosting.net" *!* Case Sensitive


tv_name "%hostname%"




//Definiere die Anzahl an Zuschauern auf dem Source TV Server


//Set the Numbers of Spectators for your Source TV Relay Server




//! ! ! D O N O T E D I T I N A N Y C A S E ! ! !


tv_maxclients "%slots%"




//Definiere die Versp?tung in Sekunden in der das Spiel ?bertragen wird.


//Source TV broadcast delay in seconds (master only).


tv_delay "90"




//Definiere den Source TV host port (stanadard 27020)


//Set the SourceTV host port (default 27020)


//! ! ! D O N O T E D I T I N A N Y C A S E ! ! !


tv_port "%serverport%"




//Definiere das Passwort um der ?bertragung beizutreten


//Define the private password to join the server


tv_password "%privatepassword%"




//Definiert das Passwort des Master Relay Servers falls vorhanden


//Defines the password of the master relay server if exists.


tv_relaypassword ""




//Definiert ob jedes Spiel automatisch afgezeichnet wird


//Defines if every game is recorded automatically


tv_autorecord "0"




//Zeige zus?tzlich debugging nachrichten


//show additional debugging messages


tv_debug "0"




//Aktiviere dispatchmode: 0=nie 1=wenn n?tig 2=always


//Activate dispatchingmode: 0=never 1=if apropriate 2=always


tv_dispatchmode "0"




//?berschriebe die IP des game servers und benutze lokale IP?


//Overwrite IP of Game Server and use local ip?


tv_overrideroot "1"</CONTENTS>


<DESCRIPTION>Configures your SourceTV Server</DESCRIPTION>




















<DESCRIPTION>Enables/Disables your server</DESCRIPTION>
















<DESCRIPTION>Defines your servers name</DESCRIPTION>
















<DESCRIPTION>Sets the Amount of Clients for your STV Server</DESCRIPTION>


<FULL_COMMAND>tv_maxclients 20</FULL_COMMAND>






























<DESCRIPTION>See the current STV Server status</DESCRIPTION>
















<DESCRIPTION>Connect the STV server to the last known adress</DESCRIPTION>
















<DESCRIPTION>Define the Delay of Broadcasts (S)</DESCRIPTION>
















<DESCRIPTION>Set the SourceTV host port (default 27020)</DESCRIPTION>
















<DESCRIPTION>Sets the maximum bandwidth spend per client in bytes/second (default 3500)</DESCRIPTION>


<FULL_COMMAND>tv_maxrate 3500</FULL_COMMAND>














<DESCRIPTION>Sets required password for connecting spectators.</DESCRIPTION>


<FULL_COMMAND>tv_password "eslwar"</FULL_COMMAND>














<DESCRIPTION>Sets required password for connecting relay proxies.</DESCRIPTION>


<FULL_COMMAND>tv_relaypassword "password"</FULL_COMMAND>














<DESCRIPTION>Starts a SourceTV demo recording that records all entities & events (master only)</DESCRIPTION>


<FULL_COMMAND>tv_record "war 5on5"</FULL_COMMAND>














<DESCRIPTION>Stops SourceTV demo recording (master only)</DESCRIPTION>
















<DESCRIPTION>Automatically records every game, demo file name format is auto-YYYYMMDD-hhmm-map.dem</DESCRIPTION>


<FULL_COMMAND>tv_autorecord 0</FULL_COMMAND>














<DESCRIPTION>Shows additional debugging messages</DESCRIPTION>
















<DESCRIPTION>Sets Source client dispatch mode for connecting clients: 0=never, 1=if appropriate, 2=always</DESCRIPTION>
















<DESCRIPTION>Overrides the master IP broadcast to spectators with a local IP.</DESCRIPTION>


<FULL_COMMAND>tv_overrideroot 1</FULL_COMMAND>















and please never forget that a master source tv server (game server with 1 stv slot) is always required, and that servers ip you put in the start parameter tv_relay "IIIIIIIIII:PPPP"




oh yeah and would somebody have the HLTV config for me please?

Relay Source TV.txt

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