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Network Problem


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Hi guys,


I have this problem with only my CSS boxes. I have dozens of other boxes running different srcds games and they have never had any sort of problem like this. My CSS boxes are the same in all aspects except they run CSS. I think this problem might be because of the higher network usage. My CSS boxes see up to 16 megabits at peak times, my other boxes only see 8 megabits at peak times.


Every 4-12 hours from being restarted, my CSS boxes (not all at once) will get this weird network problem.


- IE can't connect to the internet. It gives an address not valid error and the address bar goes to http:///

- TCAdmin is still connected to the monitor, but can't connect to the SQL (so get an error on file manager and stuff)

- Game servers are not able to respond to queries

- I can still use ping and tracert commands


Restarting the box will fix this until it happens again. Also, I have confirmed that there are no malware or viruses etc.. this was happening before I installed AVG and happens with Windows firewall both on or off.



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I have experience a simular issue, I temp solved it but setting up a network reset in scheduled tasks. The only true fix I found was pulling and then reinstalling the network drivers. On one I had to do it 3 times for it to behave. For some reason the network card drivers were throwing a hickup in some of the machines. Even though I use the same network cards on all machines and most had no problems.

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