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Core function !


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I would like TCADMIN to let us able to resell "core" of our dedicated servers. Wich mean that each customer could buy 1 / 2 or 4 cores. So he can install every servers he wants in one dedicated box only on one CORE wich mean the other cores will just be fine and not overpowered. Also with the ram.



That could be really great =)



I hope you understood what I meant, if not just ask few questions.

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And how would you control access to remote desktop for your clients? They would all be able to login and see each others files and delete them if they wanted.


Part of renting a dedicated server is having access to the server itself. What you are proposing is a VPS type solution. There is already many virtualization software packages out there that handle what you are asking.


Then of course if we were to do something like this (which we are not) then we would need to adjust our pricing to $150 per month per license to recoop the cost of people running 8 instances of our software on 1 server.


Honestly I think you are asking a bit to much for $15.95 per month.

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Not to mention the challenge in trying to coral the game servers. Many games do not stick to a single core even if you tell them too, so to accomplish this the game server would have to only be able to see the core(s) it was assigned. IE tcadmin becoming a vps program.

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Not to mention the challenge in trying to coral the game servers. Many games do not stick to a single core even if you tell them too, so to accomplish this the game server would have to only be able to see the core(s) it was assigned. IE tcadmin becoming a vps program.



there are some gsp renting cores and looks like to be going pretty good for their business.


It is indeed a major feature missing for the moment.


Only "problem" will be for automated server creation if some day you got 3 customers renting each one 4 cores at same time the servers will be created only if you get 3 machines fully free. That will require manual setup only but not big deal after all.

You can also make recommendation about every game ie "we recommend X core(s) to get this game running with optimum performances".

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Other GSPs are most likely setting the core affinity for those games after the fact. You can do that in TCAdmin now, but it is a manual process after the game is setup.


Reselling seems to be becoming more and more popular nowadays. Version 2 will have the ability to resell. However the price tag will be going up.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Other GSPs are most likely setting the core affinity for those games after the fact. You can do that in TCAdmin now, but it is a manual process after the game is setup.


Reselling seems to be becoming more and more popular nowadays. Version 2 will have the ability to resell. However the price tag will be going up.


Do you mean tcadmin V2 is going to cost us more? :(

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Yes, the price will be going up. As mentioned above, we have not raised our pricing in 4+ years. Technically the pricing should have gone up each year as we added new features, but we kept it the same.

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I think some of you misunderstood the posts above. V2 will not allow you to resell cores. It will allow you to resell game and voice servers but it is in no way meant to be anything close to VM Ware which splits boxes into seperate cores, memory etc...

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