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WolfServers.com bought out by AOWC?


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Template buyers are generally people like my mom or little sister who aren't web savvy but wish to host a website with a point and click interface.. When I see a company in business selling things like server hosting I cannot help but think, "These guys cannot even design a simple website, How could I trust them to fix something if it breaks?" Seriously bud, Your only kidding yourself with that logic.


Dude I think I have seen your website template for sale on some template sites.

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Doug has been in the game alot longer with his "ugly" site than most of the "ugly site" people here....apparently something is working for him as he is going on what...6,7 years now?


Feb 2001 for webhosting and game servers, then March 2003 decided to get a domain for just gaming and have just hosting on the original site :)


Yes my sites are plain on purpose, I personally do not care for sites that have so many other things on them that distract from the the main purpose of them. My sites all have one or 2 clicks to bring up the order page. I have seen many that take the visitor 7 or 8 page views before they even get to the order page. With them, visitors have gotten bored and already left the site....


So yes my method does work for me.


Over 50% of my customers have been with me for over 2 years, 25% for 5 or more and still many are from the early days. Yes I have customers leave for one reason or another. I try to gain a few customers, but my main goal is to retain the existing ones. Gaining more customers is not always the best strategy. People tend to forget, the more customers you have, the more your expenses are too. I prefer a slow methodical growth over an explosive one. Is this better? For some yes and some no :) It is funny how many come back after trying someone else because of a lower price :) Not to say that pricing is everything, but it all comes down to the service and quality the customer receives for the cost they are paying, not price alone. As i have said before, I would rather have 10 loyal customers that I make a profit of $10 a month each on than 100 that I make $1.00 each on. both have the same overal profit, but it is much easier to keep ten customers satisfied and happy than 100 :)

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Back on topic, I was surprised to see Rob has sold to AOWC. I have no idea his reasons behind it, just like the majority of the people that have responded to this thread.


In this business, there are many new 'companies' starting up daily, merging or just plain falling off the face of the world. Just because a company closes or merges that does not mean they were struggling. Companies may be purchased solely because of their success, not just because of their failings.......

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DCH you should at least customize the icons and other graphics on your templated website.


DCH runs itself and grows each month. I've been working on something else for over a year now. Right now I'm searching for someone to run the gameservers, dedicated, and web hosting section.

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DCH runs itself and grows each month. I've been working on something else for over a year now. Right now I'm searching for someone to run the gameservers, dedicated, and web hosting section.



Just messing with you dude nothing wrong with your website

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Yes, I can confirm that we bought Wolf a few weeks ago. Wolf business was actually doing quite well, Rob, the old owner was just ready to get out of the business.



Art of War Central


lol at the previous 9 pages.

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That is strange when I do a copyright search for Defcon I get


Type of Work: Music

Registration Number / Date: SRu000471462 / 2002-05-03

Application Title: The Defcon opus.

Title: Defcon.

Description: Compact disc.

Notes: Collection.

Copyright Claimant: © Anthony C. Serino

Date of Creation: 2002


A search for Defcon Networks returns this.


Copyright Catalog (1978 to present)

Your search found no results.


A search for Defcon Networks LLC returned with this


Copyright Catalog (1978 to present)

Your search found no results.


If you could provide your copy right number I could search for it that way. If you don't have one please don't claim to have a copyright. It is way too easy to check and it might be a violation of copyright law.


Almost forgot a search for Defconservers and Defconservers.com returned


Copyright Catalog (1978 to present)

Your search found no results.


Might want to reconsider this statement from your legal section




A. The Materials accessible from our servers, and any other World Wide Web Site owned, operated, licensed, or controlled by us, is our proprietary information and valuable intellectual property. Any copyright infringement will not be tolerated. Our words and software are registered with the U.S. Copyright Office.


I will publically apologize if I am mistaken about your copyright, but when people make blatant false statements on their websites I get a little upset.

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Websites do not need to be registered at the copyright office to be copyrighted. They are implicitly copyrighted -- once you create them they are now your intellectual property in the eyes of the law.


But yes, he should reword that statement if they are not registered explicitly. Since I assume the content is his, he would still hold the copyright regardless if it was registered or not.

That is strange when I do a copyright search for Defcon I get


Type of Work: Music

Registration Number / Date: SRu000471462 / 2002-05-03

Application Title: The Defcon opus.

Title: Defcon.

Description: Compact disc.

Notes: Collection.

Copyright Claimant: © Anthony C. Serino

Date of Creation: 2002


A search for Defcon Networks returns this.


Copyright Catalog (1978 to present)

Your search found no results.


A search for Defcon Networks LLC returned with this


Copyright Catalog (1978 to present)

Your search found no results.


If you could provide your copy right number I could search for it that way. If you don't have one please don't claim to have a copyright. It is way too easy to check and it might be a violation of copyright law.


Almost forgot a search for Defconservers and Defconservers.com returned


Copyright Catalog (1978 to present)

Your search found no results.


Might want to reconsider this statement from your legal section




A. The Materials accessible from our servers, and any other World Wide Web Site owned, operated, licensed, or controlled by us, is our proprietary information and valuable intellectual property. Any copyright infringement will not be tolerated. Our words and software are registered with the U.S. Copyright Office.


I will publically apologize if I am mistaken about your copyright, but when people make blatant false statements on their websites I get a little upset.

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Websites do not need to be registered at the copyright office to be copyrighted. They are implicitly copyrighted -- once you create them they are now your intellectual property in the eyes of the law.


But yes, he should reword that statement if they are not registered explicitly. Since I assume the content is his, he would still hold the copyright regardless if it was registered or not.



That is somewhat true, the creator of intellectual property does have some rights under U.S. law but the creation of the item does not automatically invoke a copyright.


If all you had to do was create something and a copyright was automatically granted then why pay hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars to copyright anything.


Posting the Copyright © symbol requires the user to file and have a current copyright for the item being claimed.


But he even went a step beyond just posting the copyright symbol he makes an explicit statement that he has filed a copyright with the U.S. Copyright office.


I understand why website owners make such statements; they are trying to scare off the people that like to copy website content. To me it is an integrity issue if you are going to make a statement or claim on your website then it should be as accurate as possible...


I agree that the website and anything on it that he has created is his property; however it is not covered by copyright unless the proper copyright request has been filed and a copyright number issued.


There is case law covering this subject and I will find it and post a link when I get back from school tonight. And that is "Grad school" not "Grade school."

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That is somewhat true, the creator of intellectual property does have some rights under U.S. law but the creation of the item does not automatically invoke a copyright.


If all you had to do was create something and a copyright was automatically granted then why pay hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars to copyright anything.


Posting the Copyright © symbol requires the user to file and have a current copyright for the item being claimed.


But he even went a step beyond just posting the copyright symbol he makes an explicit statement that he has filed a copyright with the U.S. Copyright office.


I understand why website owners make such statements; they are trying to scare off the people that like to copy website content. To me it is an integrity issue if you are going to make a statement or claim on your website then it should be as accurate as possible...


I agree that the website and anything on it that he has created is his property; however it is not covered by copyright unless the proper copyright request has been filed and a copyright number issued.


There is case law covering this subject and I will find it and post a link when I get back from school tonight. And that is "Grad school" not "Grade school."



One of the biggest mistakes that people believe is that if a work has no copyright notice, it is not copyrighted. The correct form of a copyright notice is "Copyright or © (date) by (author/owner)" (Templeton 1). Many people believe that if this notice is absent, they can post, use, or take any work on the Internet. Although no name can be copyrighted, the owner's work is (Templeton 2). In fact, everything from April 1, 1989 is copyrighted by the owner or author whether is has a notice or not. Most nations follow the same rules set up by the Berne copyright convention (Templeton 1). The Berne convention created uniform laws for worldwide works (Lussier 1). One of these laws was everything created privately and originally after April 1, 1989 is copyrighted. All Internet users must assume that the work is copyrighted, unless otherwise specified by the author.


Copyright Law and Internet Copyright Law are 2 different things.


Close this damn topic as it's now way off. ;)





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You do not need an actual copyright to put the copyright symbol on it. Since it is already copyrighted the moment you created it, you can put the copyright notice to state that you are the owner of the intellectual property. It is copyrighted regardless of whether you have the sign there anyways. In fact, you should probably put it there that way if you take someone to court, they will not be able to say that they did not know it was a protected work. Filing for an "official" copyright is just for an additional layer of protection, and for proof in case of a legal argument IIRC.


But I believe you are looking into it too much SickPuppy -- you seem to be grasping at straws here - this is irrelevant to the content of the thread for the most part.

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One of the biggest mistakes that people believe is that if a work has no copyright notice, it is not copyrighted. The correct form of a copyright notice is "Copyright or © (date) by (author/owner)" (Templeton 1). Many people believe that if this notice is absent, they can post, use, or take any work on the Internet. Although no name can be copyrighted, the owner's work is (Templeton 2). In fact, everything from April 1, 1989 is copyrighted by the owner or author whether is has a notice or not. Most nations follow the same rules set up by the Berne copyright convention (Templeton 1). The Berne convention created uniform laws for worldwide works (Lussier 1). One of these laws was everything created privately and originally after April 1, 1989 is copyrighted. All Internet users must assume that the work is copyrighted, unless otherwise specified by the author.



Close this damn topic as it's now way off. ;)






There are three standard ways to display a Copyright notice:

Display a C with a circle around it: ©, Write out the word "Copyright," followed by the date and the name of who owns the Copyright (the creator):Copyright 1998 by DevX.com, Inc.

Write out "Copr.," followed by the name of whoever owns the Copyright and the date: Copr. 1998 by DevX.com, Inc.


I stand corrected a website owner can display any of the three as per the Berne convention. I never argued that it was not protected, my argument was a copyright was not filed as per the claim on the website.

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If every thread that drifted off topic was closed this would be a monotonous forum. It's discussions like this that keep people coming back. Just look at the number of post. The number views are already over 1000. Do you think it would have gotten that high without a little spirited debate.

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