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Starting COD2 (mod) inside TCadmin


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We have uploaded the AWE 3.0 mod to our COD2 server and it runs great! The issue we can't figure out is how to restart the game within the CP with the mod.




We can start the mod from desktop, but when we try through the CP it loads default game with no mod. We know we will need to alter the start-up command we just can't figure out how.




Any help would be appreciated guys

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If you would like to add it after the server is allready installed and running, do the following.






1. Login to the panel and click on Gaming Services.


2. Locate and click on the game server you would like to set additional commands for.


2. At the bottom of the page click on the "Service Settings" icon.


3. Look for the field called "Additional Arguments"


4. Enter the command to call the mod I think COD is +set fs_game <modname>


5. Click the "Save button at the bottom of the page.




You will be prompted to restart the service.




Let it restart and you should be good to go.






I would also suggest taking a look into the MOD installer feature as well. It allows you to specify zip files, commmandlines etc...




Hope this helps :smile:



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If you would like to add it after the server is allready installed and running, do the following.






1. Login to the panel and click on Gaming Services.


2. Locate and click on the game server you would like to set additional commands for.


2. At the bottom of the page click on the "Service Settings" icon.


3. Look for the field called "Additional Arguments"


4. Enter the command to call the mod I think COD is +set fs_game <modname>


5. Click the "Save button at the bottom of the page.




You will be prompted to restart the service.




Let it restart and you should be good to go.






I would also suggest taking a look into the MOD installer feature as well. It allows you to specify zip files, commmandlines etc...




Hope this helps :smile:






Also make sure your config files are pointed to the <modname> directory not the main



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that would explain why two instances of the game start,ehh? cfg points to wrong spot.




Only one instance of the game should run regardless of whether or not the .cfg is in the right spot. Worst case is the server would not start since it can't find the cfg.




If you have 2 instances starting, tyou have something else wrong.





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  • 3 weeks later...

along the same lines, i have the same problem, a question, what exactly does tcadmin do when you select a mod to be installed? under command line parameters in the mod creation section do i put what i have already in the default cod2 game command line parameters? ex:




Cod2 game server created default(its command line parameters):




+set fs_savepath %userfilespath% +set dedicated 2 +set net_ip %serverip% +set net_port %serverport% +set sv_maxclients %slots% +exec server.cfg +map_rotate






Cod2 game server created then in mod installer(its command line parameters):




+set fs_savepath %userfilespath% +set fs_game awe3b5 +set dedicated 2 +set net_ip %serverip% +set net_port %serverport% +set sv_maxclients %slots% +map_rotate +exec server.cfg %usercmdline%




with this setup like this i get the error "fs_game is write protected" in my cod2 server console. and the server will not continue loading any further.




... U can see i have fs_game parameter setup after fs_savepath. Where i put it is it critical ? Or should i only have this when i goto mod installation(command line parameters):




+set fs_game awe3b5




...as if it works as additional arguments?




..been working on this for sometime , cod2 mods and their million config files, and then making editable template config files for our users! *sigh*




* another note since i change the fs_game does i mean i have set a different working path for cod2? so doesnt that mean that my command line param "exec server.cfg" will no longer work cause its in the /main dir instead of the /awe3b5 dir

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ok i have it working, but i added the additional argument first to a server that was already up, "+set fs_game awe3b5", when i did that and it restarted the server, the server came up working but no mod(cause i havent installed the awe3b5). the server came up and i look under TCuserfiles/user/GameServers/gameid/ and it automaticlly i assume cod2 created the awe3b5 folder with a default mp cfg in there, then i coppied from the zip i had made for mod installation into that folder and restart server and it works now, so is there anyway in the mod installation i can add an additional argument ? or do evreytime a user wants this mod I have to add additional arguments prior to the mod install process?

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fs_game tells the executable which directory to look in for the config's and mod files. So if you used "fs_game bob" it would look for the config's and mods in the "bob" directory.




In the GameInstalls\COD2 Dir create a folder called TCA.Mods. This is where you place your ziped mods.




Then use mods function in the conrol panel to set it up.




You need to have a basic understanding of the game and how the command lines work.




I've incuded the config plus the mods I use. It has awe3b5, admiral mod & extreme mod.




I suggest reading the config to get a better idea of how it all works.


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