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What happened to gameadminpanel.com


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  JasonF said:
It is true I am not accepting any new customers.


I am too busy with what I have now and do not feel it is fair to keep taking new orders and not be able to handle support.


How about current customers?


Some how, I just paid the new invoice 4-5 days ago, and I was set to "canceled" ?

that doesn't seem right


without any news, annoucement, notice, refund, etc?


maybe you can help me with my issue?


Hopefully, Game Admin Panel isn't down or closed, because I been using your service with you guys for awhile.




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  JasonF said:
It is true I am not accepting any new customers.


I am too busy with what I have now and do not feel it is fair to keep taking new orders and not be able to handle support.


It must be nice having more customers than you need. Most businesses use an opportunity like that to expand not reduce their customer base, but whatever works for you dude.

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Personally I admire the fact Jason decided to keep his service level to the same degree as it always has been.


In my opinion, When your sole focus is just the $$ and how you can make as much as possible as it is with many companies you tend to spend more time chasing it then trying to keep your service level high.


It might be a minority speaking but for some the money is secondary. We do this because it's what we do.

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  SickPuppy said:
It must be nice having more customers than you need. Most businesses use an opportunity like that to expand not reduce their customer base, but whatever works for you dude.


Jason is a veterinarian and recently opened his own practice. Sounds like it has taken off well for him.


Congrats Jason.

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My new practice is to the point now that I am slammed everyday and do not have the free time I used to. As a result I do not want to take on unlimited game admin panel clients because I don't believe in taking people's money and offering zero support so I am trying to find the balance. There is only so many people I can handle and do not plan on going over that number.

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