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MW2 Hacked Dedicated servers


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Two things all PC online games need or it's a fail Dedicated Servers and PB. All they want is their money from the sells near release and if they make the money back, you can say goodbye to the future of the game.


Agreed. Dedicated servers and a solid anti-cheat program is a must for all PC games.


Luckily EA has decided to cash in on IW's epic fail and will continue to support dedicated server software, punkbuster and mod tools.


BFBC2 looks bad ass and will most likely be the next big FPS game to be released.

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More reason to just patch it and release the dedicated server files so we can host it.

I'm sure you know that re-writting the entire multiplayer engine to have a "real dedicated server" experience instead of this hacked together setup is going to take more than just a "patch". It will require serious R&D time to completely refactor the multiplayer code from top to bottom, since various things like the "pick a new host system" and the way games are selected all the way to the UI changes needed.


Of course I don't need to explain all this to you though.

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I think you forget that most programmers do not reinvent the wheel. I am sure this is based off the same engine (take a look at the config file, there is left over settings for cod4) so I am sure they just didnt add it. If they do it, it will be a patch, and it wont be that hard. The problem will be that they will have to admit defeat either scrap the whole matching system or find a way to use it in IWNET. I think the end product will be similar to L4d, where you can use the match making system or you can enable a feature to use a server browser. This is what it should have been to begin with.



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They most likely will not have to re-write the multiplayer, but it will take some coding to add the dedicated server software and some re-writes to the IW.net system to allow for them.


The game will be dead (multiplayerwise) before they would even be able to release a patch which would allow dedicated servers. It is a mute point now.

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IWNet is a complete fail, when ur in the lobby it takes few seconds to find you a game then another few secodns to find an host then if some ppl disocnnect it takes another extra seconds to find new players.

thats already long and painful but the best is that it often happens that the host disconnects (or at least you lose connection) so you gota start over again.


That system is just not acceptable for a 60€ product, to be honest Its not even acceptable for a free game.

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IWNet is a complete fail, when ur in the lobby it takes few seconds to find you a game then another few secodns to find an host then if some ppl disocnnect it takes another extra seconds to find new players.

thats already long and painful but the best is that it often happens that the host disconnects (or at least you lose connection) so you gota start over again.


That system is just not acceptable for a 60€ product, to be honest Its not even acceptable for a free game.


hmm.. it only take few seconds to join a game and to find a host.. i don't really see a problem in that o_O i mean.. how many seconds can't you wait?


but.. how cracked players and hackers are the one ruining the game so far.


i mean.. its still a great game what so ever, I just hope they fix the crack + hacks and also if they release dedicated server that will be a plus.. but if not, thats okay.


it seems like your just pretty upset because you aren't able to make some $ of the game.. but hey! who isn't? but so far my multiplayer game experience has still been great .. never played with hackers and there been few bad hosts but that was quickly resolved when he/she left and a new host was found


but i think its better than cod4 with the new features and such, and how its more balanced and new modes, but paying more than $50 would be expensive.

didn't like the idea of how they raised it to $60.

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hmm.. it only take few seconds to join a game and to find a host.. i don't really see a problem in that o_O i mean.. how many seconds can't you wait?


but.. how cracked players and hackers are the one ruining the game so far.


i mean.. its still a great game what so ever, I just hope they fix the crack + hacks and also if they release dedicated server that will be a plus.. but if not, thats okay.


it seems like your just pretty upset because you aren't able to make some $ of the game.. but hey! who isn't? but so far my multiplayer game experience has still been great .. never played with hackers and there been few bad hosts but that was quickly resolved when he/she left and a new host was found


but i think its better than cod4 with the new features and such, and how its more balanced and new modes, but paying more than $50 would be expensive.

didn't like the idea of how they raised it to $60.


about waiting well in THEORY u wait only a few seconds but in fact if players/host disconnect u gota redo everything


And yes im upset but not for the $ reason cuz since the no dedicated server was anounced there been an increase on cod4 sales.


Im upset cuz Im also a player and a cod4 one who was thinking about moving to cod mw2 until I tested it.

This game just su*ks sorry but no other words for it. Graphics are lame, feel like being in some cheap comics. Gameplay is worse than on cod1, cant even lean (thx to console port, I guess they forgot PC players had more keys) and the weapon/perks were just made for very low skilled players in order to balance the game.

The fact is in any game u got noobs and skilled players and trying to balance with such a low bunch of perks is just pathetic and fun killing cuz its all about making nice kills and getting noobed by some moron using godmode combined with idiot grenade launcher.

perks were a cancer on cod4 non modded servers now its just worse.



Edit : whoever bought the game must feel deeply screwed since the cracked MP is just exactly the same as the legal one, players using cracked version can play the same game and join the same servers. Any1 not retarded from now wont buy this budget game, and yes its a budget game, the only thing that is non budget is... its price.

That kind of game usually comes free with your corn flakes in your supermarket.

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Boo hoo, we're girlie men who cry because a video game wasn't exactly like we wanted it.


Perhaps it's a noble cause, but it's really getting old. You keep reiterating the same arguments over and over and over and over... with a few "IW IS RETARTED! PC MADE YOU BLAHABLAHABLAH" thrown in between.


Sorry, but Modern Warfare 2 is a great game. If you're denying it you're probably a troll or are extremely hard headed. Yeah, it sucks that it has no dedicated servers and is basically a console port. But do those things mean the game sucks? Absolutely not. Do you blame them? PC sales only made up 12% of their sales on launch day. That doesn't give them the right to ignore us, but we also have to be realistic: they aren't going to put more time into the PC version when they make a hell of a lot more money from the console versions. You could say the same about TCAdmin. Why haven't they made a capable linux version of their control panel yet? Are they evil?! Do they hate people who use linux? Or maybe there's just a greater demand for Windows based control panels...


If I could go back in time I would gladly give Activision $60 for the game again. I'm not saying you can't not like MW2, but most likely you are taking the whole dedicated servers issue and using it to judge the game as a whole. Even without dedicated servers, lean, the console and custom mods/maps, the game itself is a serious contender for game of the year and perhaps even one of the best games this decade.


In the end, MW2 is a great single and multiplayer game with excellent production value.

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Yes, we hate people that use linux! :p


My son has the game on PS3. It looks fine to me for what it is. I played some with him tonight and the graphics are the same as COD4 and the gameplay is pretty much the same with some tweaks and new perks.


Not worth $67 IMHO, but it is a somewhat decent game except for the lack of some true PC support. ie. dedicated servers.

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Boo hoo, we're girlie men who cry because a video game wasn't exactly like we wanted it.


Perhaps it's a noble cause, but it's really getting old. You keep reiterating the same arguments over and over and over and over... with a few "IW IS RETARTED! PC MADE YOU BLAHABLAHABLAH" thrown in between.


Sorry, but Modern Warfare 2 is a great game. If you're denying it you're probably a troll or are extremely hard headed. Yeah, it sucks that it has no dedicated servers and is basically a console port. But do those things mean the game sucks? Absolutely not. Do you blame them? PC sales only made up 12% of their sales on launch day. That doesn't give them the right to ignore us, but we also have to be realistic: they aren't going to put more time into the PC version when they make a hell of a lot more money from the console versions. You could say the same about TCAdmin. Why haven't they made a capable linux version of their control panel yet? Are they evil?! Do they hate people who use linux? Or maybe there's just a greater demand for Windows based control panels...


If I could go back in time I would gladly give Activision $60 for the game again. I'm not saying you can't not like MW2, but most likely you are taking the whole dedicated servers issue and using it to judge the game as a whole. Even without dedicated servers, lean, the console and custom mods/maps, the game itself is a serious contender for game of the year and perhaps even one of the best games this decade.


In the end, MW2 is a great single and multiplayer game with excellent production value.



Dude I said this game looked like to be a fail before it was released then I tried it and I can confirm.

Im just confirming what I supposed.


As for saying its a gd game well it might be one in its console version but definitely not in the PC version.

PC gamers have different expectations, PC gameplay is also different and what we got here is a miserable port that is not worth 5$ but sold at 60+.

Thats called fooling customers.


And com'on Im not talking about dedicated servers only, the graphics are dramatically horrible, looks like a cartoon or something made for kids. Colors are insane and gameplay is barely better.

I remember CoD4 and its 16+ customer advice, well MW2 should have a 16- one.


As a conclusion and if ur a pirate save ur BW and dont even download it.

If you bought it well you literraly got abused : bad game, cracked already and you can even find Steam activation keys sold for 30% of the original price. Not to mention the fact there are cheats already. Remind me the IWNet/steam point? Oh ye it was something about control over the servers, fighting against piracy and cheating right?



Edit : if they didnt want to spend time for PC gamers, fine they could just NOT release any PC version instead of abusing ppl. Looks like those 12% are important for them.

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Dude I said this game looked like to be a fail before it was released then I tried it and I can confirm.

Im just confirming what I supposed.


As for saying its a gd game well it might be one in its console version but definitely not in the PC version.

PC gamers have different expectations, PC gameplay is also different and what we got here is a miserable port that is not worth 5$ but sold at 60+.

Thats called fooling customers.


And com'on Im not talking about dedicated servers only, the graphics are dramatically horrible, looks like a cartoon or something made for kids. Colors are insane and gameplay is barely better.

I remember CoD4 and its 16+ customer advice, well MW2 should have a 16- one.


As a conclusion and if ur a pirate save ur BW and dont even download it.

If you bought it well you literraly got abused : bad game, cracked already and you can even find Steam activation keys sold for 30% of the original price. Not to mention the fact there are cheats already. Remind me the IWNet/steam point? Oh ye it was something about control over the servers, fighting against piracy and cheating right?



Edit : if they didnt want to spend time for PC gamers, fine they could just NOT release any PC version instead of abusing ppl. Looks like those 12% are important for them.

As much as I enjoy making fun of IW for screwing over the PC gamers. You seem to have taken it personally...


No, they didn't kill your dog. Easy killer.


That and you keep coming back to the graphics, which are identical to COD4:MW.... is that just a complaint to complain? I've been playing it on PS3 for a few days now, and its gameplay isn't bad.

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As much as I enjoy making fun of IW for screwing over the PC gamers. You seem to have taken it personally...


No, they didn't kill your dog. Easy killer.


That and you keep coming back to the graphics, which are identical to COD4:MW.... is that just a complaint to complain? I've been playing it on PS3 for a few days now, and its gameplay isn't bad.


Im actually taking it personaly just as any decent cod PC player.


And you must be joking about the graphics they are definitely cartoon looking I feel like playing console on a TV. My teammates who tried the game had same first comments : wtf are those gfx? Its like it was hand pictured.


And I may agree on 1 point : this game could be good on console but I gave up console years ago and as a cod series (ex) fan I expected a real PC version and not some very basic port so yes thats disappointing from a PC gamer point of view but I perfectly understand the ones buying the console version even if I cant enjoy playing on consoles anymore.


edit : about gfx have you tried sof3? that was a basic console port too and gfx were giving me the same feeling so that may explain it.

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Im actually taking it personaly just as any decent cod PC player.


And you must be joking about the graphics they are definitely cartoon looking I feel like playing console on a TV. My teammates who tried the game had same first comments : wtf are those gfx? Its like it was hand pictured.


And I may agree on 1 point : this game could be good on console but I gave up console years ago and as a cod series (ex) fan I expected a real PC version and not some very basic port so yes thats disappointing from a PC gamer point of view but I perfectly understand the ones buying the console version even if I cant enjoy playing on consoles anymore.


edit : about gfx have you tried sof3? that was a basic console port too and gfx were giving me the same feeling so that may explain it.

Graphics are fine, I still think your complaining just to complain at this point.


Yes, we know it has no dedicated server. Yes, they screwed GSPs. However to rant about things just to rant is ridiculous.




Does that look like a cartoon or like Modern Warfare 1?


However your gameplay comment is subjective to the player, however due to the fact that it is extremely similar to COD4:MW, I'm going to form my own opinion that "If you liked MW, if MW2 had dedicated servers you would have nothing to complain about because it plays very similar to MW2".


Than I'll probably hear "Oh you can't lean", yup you cant. Games like CS/S haven't been leaning for almost a decade and its arguably the most popular online FPS on the planet.

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