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***WARNING **** New "GSP's" stealing content (Copy, images, plus other stuff)


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Anything look familiar?


As long as there are ideas to be taken, someone will take them. Nothing you can do about it so just get over it. Instead of nit-picking everyone's site about where they got something from or what site it "looks like", worry about yourself and how you can make your services/website even better.


Our new site has ideas/features of about 7 different websites with quite a bit of originality thrown to make it even better for our clients.


As Derek noted, they will be lucky to still be here in 6 months. They are just trying to make an honest buck (most of em), nothing wrong with that.

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On a 3rd party viewpoint since I don't run a GSP.


Most GSP's have that same business model. EG: Performance, price, customer service.


So really, would that be copyright on the first GSP that started that? I don't think so, you can't do anything about them using your own words, simply because most of the info is all the same and just re-worded.


If they copied and pasted word-for-word. I'd contact them, show them, and ask them to kindly reword it or you'll take it to the proper authorities since your site is 'supposedly' copyrighted.


As for illegal software - I personally would never let them know and would take action against it.

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  • 3 months later...
On a 3rd party viewpoint since I don't run a GSP.


Most GSP's have that same business model. EG: Performance, price, customer service.


So really, would that be copyright on the first GSP that started that? I don't think so, you can't do anything about them using your own words, simply because most of the info is all the same and just re-worded.


If they copied and pasted word-for-word. I'd contact them, show them, and ask them to kindly reword it or you'll take it to the proper authorities since your site is 'supposedly' copyrighted.


As for illegal software - I personally would never let them know and would take action against it.


Agreed as i do Law for my company this would be the best way to deal with it.

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Anything look familiar?


As long as there are ideas to be taken, someone will take them. Nothing you can do about it so just get over it. Instead of nit-picking everyone's site about where they got something from or what site it "looks like", worry about yourself and how you can make your services/website even better.


Our new site has ideas/features of about 7 different websites with quite a bit of originality thrown to make it even better for our clients.


As Derek noted, they will be lucky to still be here in 6 months. They are just trying to make an honest buck (most of em), nothing wrong with that.


What's with the two things you linked? Those kinds of menus have been around forever and you can find hundreds of scripts in java and jquery that'll do that kind of stuff for you.


I don't think there's a single element like that (menubar, w/e) that hasn't been done before.

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Dear owner of http://www.xtrgameservers.com/,


It seems you are claiming that http://www.Game-Core.us is stealing content of your site.


do you have any proof?

do you have any original photoshop psd of your pictures?

can you supply ANY documents regarding ANY GRAPHICS or CONTENT beeing yours?


I can supply ANY of the original plans blueprints, psd files, and site design. even the first sketches. of ANY of the pages, and yes we have used some prebuilt template design features as we are not remaking something that allready exists.


About any of the text, you can't call a pig a cow.

teamspeak will be teamspeak and battlefield2 will be battlefield2 there's nothing you can change anout that. and there's no law against copying text of the backside of the bf2 box to get a description of the game.


If you would please remove the game-core.us name there for stealing. as most of this topic is about illegal software anyway and we're using all legal softwares. (reporting us to Triton CI & Associates(teamspeak), WHMCS and TCAdmin will only make you look stoopid)

Else i'm forced to take legal actions against you for giving game-core.us a bad name.

as it is difficould enough to have a starting company, even more difficould when someone is putting out bad publicity about you or your company. Defamation is the big word here, and yes it's a reason to go to court, as you could cause us to make less money by your actions.


As for the kind words of asking us to remove any of "your" content, info@game-core.us nor admin@game-core.us nor abuse@game-core.us got any mails regarding stealing any content or what-so-ever. I think it was you stealing content and then sneaky blaming these 2 companies.

Just do a good templatemonster search, and see what i mean, nice cheap color change.


(and to be honest if someone would actually steal my icons / graphics (yes there mine and i have to add a copyright layer to my psd files) it would only flatter me... as i clearly did something right when others want to have it...)


anyway to make a long story short, quit claiming we stole "your" content when you have no proof or what-so-ever. and quit giving this new and starting company a bad name.


with kind regards,


Arnon Hoogerwerf




ps. if you do want to continue the legal talk, you are free to call/email/mail/fax my legal advisor/lawyer. If you pm me you are interested, i'll pass on the details via pm.

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And just to fill in the blanks, there's no website NOT stealing anything from anyone.

(some exceptions here and there)

most menus are done before, layouts are done before, colors change and almost follows fashion in some sort of way (wich is clever imho).


All this copyright whyning and "he's stealing that from me" talk is kids stuff, just deal with it or find a new hobby.


That people are using ideas, just tells it was/is a great idea!

Putting your creativity at work to change the idea and model it to your needs doesn't make you a thief per say, but makes the original designer / writer verry intelligent as he/she inspired at least one person. (ofcourse there are limits...)


The thing is, when building websites no-one is gunna try re-inventing the wheel...

Same thing goes for fashon, how many designs are "stolen" / recreated in the last few years? or even look similar? oh wait... all are... (again some exceptions here and there)


By example (not that it's bothering me or what-so-ever.) http://www.clanbaselive.com is using ubuntu linux logo (http://www.ubuntu.com) for their topic headers. http://www.xfactorservers.com/ is using mostly the same layout as http://www.xtrgameservers.com. (or other way around)


I don't see ubuntu stressing out on clanbaselive.com, do you?

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And just to fill in the blanks, there's no website NOT stealing anything from anyone.

(some exceptions here and there)

most menus are done before, layouts are done before, colors change and almost follows fashion in some sort of way (wich is clever imho).


All this copyright whyning and "he's stealing that from me" talk is kids stuff, just deal with it or find a new hobby.


That people are using ideas, just tells it was/is a great idea!

Putting your creativity at work to change the idea and model it to your needs doesn't make you a thief per say, but makes the original designer / writer verry intelligent as he/she inspired at least one person. (ofcourse there are limits...)


The thing is, when building websites no-one is gunna try re-inventing the wheel...

Same thing goes for fashon, how many designs are "stolen" / recreated in the last few years? or even look similar? oh wait... all are... (again some exceptions here and there)


By example (not that it's bothering me or what-so-ever.) http://www.clanbaselive.com is using ubuntu linux logo (http://www.ubuntu.com) for their topic headers. http://www.xfactorservers.com/ is using mostly the same layout as http://www.xtrgameservers.com. (or other way around)


I don't see ubuntu stressing out on clanbaselive.com, do you?


Ugh, how is our site remotely the same layout as XTRG.

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Cmon people. Website layouts cannot be copyrighted. Icons, pictures,graphics and text can be, but really is it worth the time and $$$ to squabble in court about something as trivial as a layout?


Send the owner a "nice" email and ask them to remove any content that you feel you have copyrights over, and provide them proof that you do have copyrights over whatever the content may be.


And please eveyone, stop posting this site and that site stole this and that here in our forums. These are user to user help forums for our software. Not flame everyone else forums.

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