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Did EA or Dice Announce BFBC2 Ranked List Yet?


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The RSP list hasnt been disclosed yet.


Any host telling you they are going to have servers if they are on the RSP list is in violation of thier NDA.


Further the reson they have clamped down on hosts is for exactly the reason you see on that site.


FTP access in any form is not allowed to that code. RSP's who continue to allow access to things they are not supposed to only makes it harder for anyone to get RSP status next time and why it's going to be such a short list.

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ROFL full FTP access that person putting that up should realize EA/Dice has never allowed Full FTP. We are doing what we can to be involved with BC2 since we have been a BF2 Ranked provider for years but it appears that doesnt matter and chances are majority of providers will be screwed (Possibly Including Us)


I doubt they are getting pre order sales

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Maybe a scam to get some money. Look at the ordering method... a hotmail email account?!


We know since we have many ranked providers as clients that FTP is a BIG no no. We had to recode many parts of TCAdmin to accomodate the ranked BF games. Access is severly restricted to put it lightly.


Unless EA has come up with another way to secure their code/files???

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