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Amx/x Users Editor problem when creating a new service (non-automated)


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When trying to use Amx/x Users Editor on a gaming service that was made thru the <u>automated</u> "Create a Game and Voice Server" <u>everything works fine</u> as seen below (noitce the file path):










But when adding a new service for a game that was already installed thru the <u>manual</u> "Admin Home > Gaming Services > New Service", then trying to use Amx/x Users Editor <u>always gets the error</u> as in the picture below. Also, notice the entire path to users.ini is shown unlike above:












Is there anything that can be done to fix this?




(the above examples were made with the same "game configuration file", infact I just made a copy of the automated install and then added a service manually)






Side Note: If when adding a service manually it is supposed to show the entire path to the users.ini, is it possible you guys can move the select button under the file select drop box. Because if the path is really long, the button gets hidden by the tcadmin web template (like it's being covered up).

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After toying around a bit, I found the issue to be when using the "Browse" feature to set the folder or file location. It saves the / or \ in the incorrect orientation compared to how the automated "Create a Game and Voice Server" sets the locations with \.






As seen here, automated with <u>correct</u> orientation (amx/x users editor working):








Here is what happens when using the "Browse" button to set location (amx/x users editor NOT working):






After fixing the orientation of all the slashes from / to \ in the above image, amx/x users editor works correctly and is editable.










This makes me wonder if the orientation is wrong here what else can be done wrong (game files path, etc.)?


Should all slash orientations be \ when dealing with files or folders of a windows server (as usually is the case) or does your software not care?


Is this maybe something that needs to be fixed with the Browse button?



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You are right. having / will not work with the AMX users editor. I'll get this fixed in the next update. When the game server is created automatically it should create the paths correctly using \ on Windows and / on Linux.

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If you need a quick fix for this create a support ticket and I'll send you a link for an update. If not, it will be available in the next update.


That's ok take your time... I've already taken care of the issue on my side, since it was only with a few servers that were installed manually by using "Browse" when setting them up as services... thx though...

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