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cant install new ts3 servers

R|S GoNz0

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All I did was copy and paste as well. I have gone in and noticed that the permission is missing for changing the latency but then again on a shared plan that isn't something I want them to control anyhow. No complains with the sound quality and bandwidth thus far so why give someone the option to change that now.


I really don't understand how you could have a backup of your TS3 prior to updating, have an issue updating, roll back your update and then have a conflict with TCAdmin. The database TCAdmin uses only stores the database information in order to issue server query commands. None of that would have changed had you restored the back up to exactly what was before the change. Double check that your restoring the backup.

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All I did was copy and paste as well. I have gone in and noticed that the permission is missing for changing the latency but then again on a shared plan that isn't something I want them to control anyhow. No complains with the sound quality and bandwidth thus far so why give someone the option to change that now.


I really don't understand how you could have a backup of your TS3 prior to updating, have an issue updating, roll back your update and then have a conflict with TCAdmin. The database TCAdmin uses only stores the database information in order to issue server query commands. None of that would have changed had you restored the back up to exactly what was before the change. Double check that your restoring the backup.


exactly, updating should be a fairly simple task copy/paste done.. or use batch updates. The new update auto updates the new permissions hence the log I pasted so not sure why you folks are trying to use some script ?

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permissions should auto update so long as the auto update is selected, i did a write up and mailed it to customers to catch the ones that were early on in the beta so they could enable it for there user groups, all new servers instaled since the default groups were set to auto update found it already done.


anyway the end result of all this came to a head this morning when i found out it was not the fault of tcadmin and was indeed teamspeak at fault, the support staff were not very helpfull and i made it clear we pay for the product and expect them to give answers not a reply telling us whats wrong without a resolution. in the end i sussed out what was wrong for the install problem and sven pointed out the problem with a few error logs to fix the secondary problem.


at 5pm UK time i got a phone call from a number in the US to find it was a director of teamspeak that had been made aware of the situation brewing in my support tickets and had stepped in to plant his foot up the arse of those not doing there job (not his words) and apologise for the lack of premium support i had received along with his reassurance it would not happen again.

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I just got off the phone with Florence over at Triton CA and we discussed the support issues that some people have had.


In a nutshell we all need to be aware that TS3 is still a BETA product and there will be some bumps in the road ahead. How we handle these issues was our main topic of conversation. TS is making efforts to beef up support, and we will continue to work with them to make sure that downtime for everyone using TS3 and TCAdmin will be kept to a minimum.


Both companies understand the concept of client downtime and understand that loss of revenue occurs when this happens. Both Florence and myself we be keeping the communication lines open.


Thanks to everyone that has provide feedback on the current issues!

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indeed it is a beta, but a beta we have to pay full price for, the amount of money we spend with them does deserve better support such as the support given by the good chaps here :)


lets hope Florence has shaken up the staff a little to benefit us.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey Fellas,


Getting an error as well when trying to install a new TS3 server. Downloaded the new files, copy/paste start TS3 back up. Try to install from TCA and gets a could not connect to teamspeak server


Any ideas?


Do i need to do anyting else? I ahve looked through the thread but dont see anything that pops out.



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Have you double checked the IPs are entered in the ini correctly? Have you added the TCAdmin Master IP to the whitelist for TS3? Have you tested the connection details via putty?


Yeah, TCA Master IP is in the whitelist. I can connect via putty just fine. Where is the ini file located?I cant seem to find it.

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You either need to declare your ini by putting adding this to the command line to run the main TS3 server, inifile=yourts3server.ini or you add the information to the command line to have the server create an ini file upon run up. This is a very basic question though and I suggest you really get familiar with TS3 before you plan on running it as it has proven daunting for many to run.

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You either need to declare your ini by putting adding this to the command line to run the main TS3 server, inifile=yourts3server.ini or you add the information to the command line to have the server create an ini file upon run up. This is a very basic question though and I suggest you really get familiar with TS3 before you plan on running it as it has proven daunting for many to run.


Yeah i found it....im such an idiot. Yeah no im fully aware ive been hosting TS2 and now TS3 servers for awhile.

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