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Game Mods


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One of the big things i hope and want to be changed in TC2 is Game Mods feature. In V1 it was simple: you choose archive that is being extracted to specified folder, can create 1 config file and new command line.


There are some ideas i'd like to share and see in new version.


1. Setting to restart server or not with Game Mod install.


2. Dependence on plugins. F.e. user cant install AMX Mod X additional plugins before AMX Mod X isn't installed.


3. Add\remove new line in config files (.cfg .txt etc). F.e. AMX Mod X aditional plugins require "plugin name" line to be added in plugins.ini. ES plugins require es_load plugin name line to be put in autoexec.cfg.


4. As you may know plugins add new cvars that should be put in some config file. It can be server.cfg or amxx.cfg, autoexec.cgf and so on. So the idea is to make for each Game Mod variety of cvars it use and add them as aditional lines to specific config file and easily change the values throug some editor (Like config editor in V1 but for Game Mods cvars).


5. Ability to create more than one configuration file and put them on default configs so users have fast access.


6. Execute rcon command on game mod install\uinstall. F.e. changemap for plugin load (in that case restarts are not necessary).


7. Game Mod can be deleted with all files, config and text lines.


8. Allow or disallow (hide game mod in list) installation of the game mod according to what game patch is installed. F.e. many of call of duty 4 mods work fine with one version of the game and don't work with other versions.


9. As far as many GSPs use knowledge base to post there articles about settings and customizations for plugins it would be nice to add hyper links to each game mod in panel (not Comments/Instructions).

Edited by peace
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What your describing doesn't sound very difficult. The variables would be similar to the "parent" value config settings already in use.


I also like the idea of being able to add "other" configs to the default config section so users can access them.


Good ideas. Keep them coming!

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Added to the first post.


8. Allow or disallow (hide game mod in list) installation of the game mod according to what game patch is installed. F.e. many of call of duty 4 mods work fine with one version of the game and don't work with other versions.


9. As far as many GSPs use knowledge base to post there articles about settings and customizations for plugins it would be nice to add hyper links to each game mod in panel (not Comments/Instructions).


Little bit later i can provide you with some plan-pictures to summarize all the features to graphic layout.

Edited by peace
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Steve-TGM, no, i mean to being able to put knowledge base article links in game mod section to each plugins.


I have attached picture where i summarized most of features i posted above. Im not web-designer :).


Edited by peace
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  • 3 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I Seem to have an issue with viewing the mods section.

I presume its should be in for example

Admin > system > general settings > game & voice hosting > games & other voice servers > click on game type


cannot see an option

Monitor Version:

Web Version:


Can someone kick me in the right direction

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Great Job.


I have just installed that update and didn't get much in details but I have suggestion to not show all mods in list if they cannot be installed at this moment. F.e. we have 100 mods that have dependence on AMX Mod X installation and in this case I believe is better to hide this mods before AMX Mod X is actually installed.


Or make a special box in system settings that determines that feature.

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2. Dependence on plugins. F.e. user cant install AMX Mod X additional plugins before AMX Mod X isn't installed.


I would also like to see "virtual" mod packages, i.e. you create a mod package that would install X Y Z "real" mods in that order.


Our most common mods are Meta:Mod, Source:Mod or ManiAdmin:Mod so in this case we would have Meta:Mod, Source:Mod and Mani:Mod packages as well as a MM+SM and MM+MAM packages(5 packages in total).


With the "virtual" mod package we would be able to install Meta:Mod + Source:Mod in that order without the need of archiving them up and creating another "real" package. This would mean that you only have to keep each individual mod updated and the "virtual" mod package would not be effected (i.e. it just installs the "real" package anyway).


This means when an update for MM is released we wouldn't have to update every package that we have archived MM into because when the "virtual" package is installed it would install from the MM archive.


did everyone follow that? lol...


Putting both my idea and peace's idea together could make the clients life a little easier as when the client installs the mod they want i.e. SM ("virtual" package) it's dependencies (SM+MM) would be installed without them knowing. Once installed the client would then be shown the available plug-ins for MM and SM.

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Instead of a message saying "mod A requires mod B" I was thinking of showing a message "Install Mod A and its requirements: Mod B, Mod C, Mod D?"


Click on yes and it will install all required mods.


I will add an option to hide the mod if the requirements are not installed.

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Instead of a message saying "mod A requires mod B" I was thinking of showing a message "Install Mod A and its requirements: Mod B, Mod C, Mod D?"


Click on yes and it will install all required mods.


I will add an option to hide the mod if the requirements are not installed.


Sounds like a good idea:o

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  • 2 years later...

1 more suggestion.


User can manually upload his server files. F.e. he had SourceMod installed not from Game Mods but manually. In that case status of SourceMod in Game Mods is Not Installed and user wont be able install any plugins that requires SourceMod status Installed. Maybe its reasonable to make something like "Are you sure you want to install this mod anyway?" question with yes\no buttons or some other sollution.


Maybe option to check whether this or that mod is installed (if not installed from Game Mods)based on file list and lines. User can run this check for all Mods or for which admin specified.

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