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TCAdmin: Apache & Other Questions


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Hey. I have a list of questions I need answers to, help is greatly appriechiated because I want to get the most out of TCAdmin while I still can.


1. Can I install TCAdmin on XampServer?

I was told this can be done, and shown in previous versions. I am running a windows server 2003 VPS. If you do know if this is possible, could you tell/show me how to do it?


2. Can I install TCAdmin with Apache & Apache ASP Mod?


3. How do I configure the control panel website for TCAdmin?

I have gone through the configuration utility a million times, either its not showing or I am blind. Is it possible it is not being shown? Could I get a screenshot of what the website config program page looks like?


There will probably be more questions later.. Help is GREATLY appriechiated and may be met with reward..


BTW: My problem with IIS is the fact that I cannot install it due to having a vps and not having the original install disc.. so yeah, im pretty much fucked unless Apache or XampServer works.

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TCAdmin should not be installed on apache as it will not work. You should install IIS and MYSql if you choose to use that as your database.


As for the web creation page. Make sure at the very first screen of the config utility that you choose the "Master and Webserver" option and not just the Master Server option. This may be why you are not seeing the Create the Website Page.

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