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  • 7 months later...

It may be possible but we had a bad experience in the past with CE and lack of support from them.

We will have to see if we can contact them, and if they are more receptive this time around.

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mm very strange I have opposite situation great friendship with Alberto the owner and I am also betatester if you need help let's me know.


Also I am interested in compatibility with actual version of CE exactly as work perfectly tcadmin ver. 1


I think you don't need many info from CE to let's tcadmin version 2 to work with CE exactly as now tcadmin ver. 1

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I have configured all staff correctly in CE.

I have tried to buy a package customer side everything is correct but tcadminv2 not create the game and the user.


I tried to see the v2 log and everythings is ok but nothing happen in the panel












user_address1=via rima






























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ok probabily founded the error, looking in schedule task I found this error



Error - The datacenter with id 1511232123 does not exist.


The billing API get from CE the IP address and not the datacenterID=1 see two post up as correctly configured.

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You may need to contact CE to see why it is sending the IP for the datacenter field???


If TCAdmin receives the incorrect info from CE then it will of course not setup the game server.


Maybe you can test it by removing the Datacenter option in CE to see if it will create a server???



Just some thoughts. I have not played with the V2 billing API yet.

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The game datacenter is not correct:



in v2 the datacenter ids are numeric. The default datacenter id is 1


Make sure it is configured correctly in CE. TCAdmin will print in that log whatever it receives. If the value is wrong CE is not sending it correctly.

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Kevin CE is correctly configured I use it with tcadmin v1

in CE I insert 1 as datacenter but I suppose 1 is not a right datacenter value for CE it's expect the tcadmin v1 format


could be a problem chenge the datacenter id of v2 using the some format of v1 ?


I think without this CE actual version never will work with tcadmin v2

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I confirm the problem is in the new gamedatacenter id ov tcadmin v2 all the rest working and it is compatible.


I made this test


Put in CE gamedatacenterid = 1 (tca v2 datacenter) it send the ip address

Put in CE gamedatacenterid = Gamesclan (tca v2 datacenter name) it send blank

Put in CE gamedatacenterid = TC0633808XXXXX it return this error



[return_code] => 0

[return_text] =>

[error_code] => -1

[error_text] => System.ArgumentNullException: A value for

game_datacenter is required.

Nome parametro: game_datacenter

in Web.GameHosting.billingapi.xc9f5c0c708acbff6()

in Web.GameHosting.billingapi.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)



I think the only way is to change the gamedatacenterid in v2 to old format v1


I am available for all the test you want as usual

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I agree Kevin the problem is ce accept only the datacenter format of v1 ex. tcxxxx now in tca v2 the format is numeric (1)


form me the fastest way to fix this problem is change the tca v2 (it's a beta) to reflect datacenterid like version 1 or both

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Luis I will ask Alberto from CE to do this but for me we have to fix tca v2 beta to be compatible with CE, not Alberto modify a stable release to work with a beta.

I will agree for CE next release but not for the current one

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Since we did not create the CE module for V1 then any changes to make it work with V2 should be done on CE's end if they wish to keep providing a working module for their clients.

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Kevin I sended you an email have a look.


As I said to Luis I don't completly agree for this reason.


if they will release version 4 and they wont it work with TCA v2 they have to do the work (I am sure they will do)


But if we want have tca v2 working with actual stable CE v3 we have to make the work in tca v2 (simplying using also DCID sintax of v1)


this only my modest opinion, you are the owner :)

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