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preordered it for xbox 360 :)



preorder is something I will never understand... Whats the point except the fact if the game blows you are screwed? better wait a couple of days &after it was released so you can try it , read comments and reviews and then buy if you like it only. I wonder how many ppl got fooled by MW2 preorders and how many gona get fooled by BO ones.


Today I bought coduo and cod2 on steam as I couldnt find the CD's anymore :o lets revive the true games :)

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While the old games are what started it all, it is the new games that gamers want now. The flashy graphics, the cool weapons and explosions, rag doll physics etc...


Personally the last new FPS I played was COD4 which I though was decent. Currently I now play Starcraft 2 when I get the time as the new games and the ranking stuff does not interest me.


Now of course you have to remember that my first online FPS was Quake being played over a 14.4k modem :) Fond memories of those days...

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I pre-ordered it and will play the single player campaign. I'm not really into MP oddly enough.. But there are fond memories of those old 14.4's making a racket trying to connect. (usually taking the better part of 10-15min. at which point someone would yell that they needed to use the phone!! ;)


Quake was the 1st online game as well for me so I don't feel so old now ;). Graphics were state of the art back then! Light years ahead of the old "Jumpman jr." game I killed a whole summer with on the C64!!

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While the old games are what started it all, it is the new games that gamers want now. The flashy graphics, the cool weapons and explosions, rag doll physics etc...


Personally the last new FPS I played was COD4 which I though was decent. Currently I now play Starcraft 2 when I get the time as the new games and the ranking stuff does not interest me.


Now of course you have to remember that my first online FPS was Quake being played over a 14.4k modem :) Fond memories of those days...


A bunch of guys at the office play SC2 on lunch break.

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I pre-ordered it and will play the single player campaign. I'm not really into MP oddly enough.. But there are fond memories of those old 14.4's making a racket trying to connect. (usually taking the better part of 10-15min. at which point someone would yell that they needed to use the phone!! ;)


Quake was the 1st online game as well for me so I don't feel so old now ;). Graphics were state of the art back then! Light years ahead of the old "Jumpman jr." game I killed a whole summer with on the C64!!


Mine was Tom Clancy's Rogue Spear on the MSN gaming zone which I believe came out in 99 a few years before ghost recon, there used to be another gaming zone called mplayer or something like that we played on too. Waiting for a dail up connection really sucked and it was worse getting disconnected during a game.


"you have now connected at 13,000kbs" that was fast back then.....

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I think I had better stay out of this one......esp since I can remember when 300 baud modems were state of the art and blazing fast...........


Doug still remembers when dinosaurs used to run back and forth with the packets :p

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Doug still remembers when dinosaurs used to run back and forth with the packets :p


Packets? They had packets?


We don't need no stinking packets!




Peter Programmer pinged a set of partial packets. If peter programmer pinged a set of partial packets. 
Where are the partial packets peter programmer pinged?


Say that real fast 5 times. :p

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I know there not going to be servers files for other gsps, but I'm a big fan of CoD.

Been a old cod gamer since COD 1 and even though its a monopoly with gameservers.com .. i still enjoy the game.


Direct2drive.com has it for $44.95 so why not?!


Save about $20 from CA tax ($6) and remaining cost $15 of the $60.

But I wouldn't pay $65 (+ CA TAX)

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I know there not going to be servers files for other gsps, but I'm a big fan of CoD.

Been a old cod gamer since COD 1 and even though its a monopoly with gameservers.com .. i still enjoy the game.


Direct2drive.com has it for $44.95 so why not?!


Save about $20 from CA tax ($6) and remaining cost $15 of the $60.

But I wouldn't pay $65 (+ CA TAX)


Never buy a game from Activision piss.gif...

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