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What will TCAdmin2 Cost


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I see that the open BETA will start in June and version 2 will have some new features. Sweet but what I need to know is what's the bottom line, how much is it going to cost me to upgrade. A ballpark figure will help, are we looking at more than $50 per license.

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I do not see reason why to pay so much for upgrade. We are supporting them during years paying for licences and updates


I do agree with you. As we continue to pay for updates, why is there an upgrade fee?


However, I wouldn't mind paying for the upgrade if it has tons of new features for the time TCadmin put into.

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Yes, there will be upgrade fees. Please remember that Version 2 has nothing to do with Version 1. It has been completely coded from the ground up and does not contain any V1 code in it..

Also, please don't confuse updates with upgrades. Updates are for version 1.


Those that wish to stay with V1 are more than welcome however there will come a point where we EOL it.


Version 2 has many new features that have been requested by folks like you. I think you will be pleasantly surprised with it.


As for the upgrade fees. We are trying very hard to keep them as low as possible for our users. At this time we have no hard numbers to give, but keep an eye on the announcement section for pricing updates.

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I think that price should stay same, on the market there is alot of 10$ panels, true, they suck but 16$ per license is just enough.


And about upgrade, maybe good thing would be that upgrade to v2 is actually renewing of yearly support and upgrades, so 40$ for master and 20$ per remote license.

50$ per license is really too much :)

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I think that price should stay same, on the market there is alot of 10$ panels, true, they suck but 16$ per license is just enough.


And about upgrade, maybe good thing would be that upgrade to v2 is actually renewing of yearly support and upgrades, so 40$ for master and 20$ per remote license.

50$ per license is really too much :)


Please remember that our pricing has been the same $15.95 since we started 5 years ago. A price increase is bound to happen with every software package you see out on the market today.


As of right now we have not dicussed any pricing for V2 so i cannot give any answers on what the upgrade fees and monthly fees will be.

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Please remember that our pricing has been the same $15.95 since we started 5 years ago. A price increase is bound to happen with every software package you see out on the market today.


As of right now we have not dicussed any pricing for V2 so i cannot give any answers on what the upgrade fees and monthly fees will be.


That's true if you only take into account inflation but there's also the increased competition to think about. Either way, I'm sure you guys can find a happy medium.

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Please remember that our pricing has been the same $15.95 since we started 5 years ago. A price increase is bound to happen with every software package you see out on the market today.


As of right now we have not dicussed any pricing for V2 so i cannot give any answers on what the upgrade fees and monthly fees will be.



that's a point but another point is that price per slot has considerably decreased over the past 5 years. So prices have considerably dropped on the GSP market.

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There is a fine line between maximizing a return on your investment and pricing yourself out of the market. As dimitri stated, over the past 5 years competition in the GSP industry has driven down the price per slot. Companies are looking for ways to cut fixed cost in order to increase their contribution margins. A TCAdmin license may only be a small part of the operating cost but at a $1.00 per slot you have to save wherever you can.


With support for version 1 coming to an end somewhere down the road you will eventually be forced to upgrade. The wise move would be to upgrade as soon as possible or switch to a cheaper alternative control panel. I expect to see quite a few used version 1 licenses for sale soon after the version 2 release.

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that's a point but another point is that price per slot has considerably decreased over the past 5 years. So prices have considerably dropped on the GSP market.


This is true, but prices are dropping for everything.


Example: A CPanel license now cost more than it did 5 years ago due to additional features etc... however webhosting accounts are as cheap as $5 a month now.


We will be doing some serious pricing research within the GSP sector before pricing V2. The price may even stay the same...

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Is it going to run using Mono on Linux like v1 does?


Or is it going to be native? That information should be made available to see if "Linux" support is real, or simply hacked together like the v1 Mono version was.


After using v1 Mono, you can understand my apprehension.

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I have used plenty of MONO supported crossovers that work very well, and used plenty of direct Linux coded programs that were crap. So just because it is (or is not) MONO does not state how well it behaves on Linux. The key is more in the commands being issued by the program then what the founding language was, although it is easier to have working commands with a native language. The one thing I would advise when they are considering there pricing structure is re-open the trial for Linux version to current Windows customers, especially if its MONO supported as that does scare many folks. As already stated market is tight so folks don’t want to spend a fortune to try a Linux program just to be dissatisfied and return to their current Linux program for controlling game servers. Allowing everyone the opportunity to have the free trial of Linux version is more likely to bring in new sales in that department and make the time invested in making a Linux version pay off.

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I highly doubt they would recode the entire base and then hax0r together something in the end just to include linux as a feature...If *ix support is included this time around (as hearsay suggests) it more than likely is done properly.


There is/was a reason the *ix files for v1 were/are not readily available to everyone :)


Likewise, they have had a free trial the entire time for V1, I would assume this is a practice they would continue on with as well, so I wouldn't be worried with having to waste any cash.

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V2 will use Mono for it's nix communications. But the coding has been completely redone for it.


V1 had issues, and we learned from those issues. That is why we pulled the V1 nix files down.


Currently we have beta testers using V2 on nix without issues.


Also, you WILL be able to run your Master server on nix in V2 if you choose.

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just an idea, how about making 3 master licences ? :


- 1 that supports windows only > same price as v1

- 1 that supports linux only > same price as v2

- 1 that supports both OS > increased price


and same price for remote licenses.


For ppl like me who own the licence a price increase wont make big difference as the ROI will on short/medium run will cover it.

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Open BETA testing is only a few weeks away. Someone must know what the price structure is going to be. Why would you even consider BETA testing a product that is going to be cost prohibitive. It would be like test driving a car that you knew you could never afford to buy.

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Open BETA testing is only a few weeks away. Someone must know what the price structure is going to be. Why would you even consider BETA testing a product that is going to be cost prohibitive. It would be like test driving a car that you knew you could never afford to buy.


regarding how long it could be before the final product gets released I guess they are taking their time to decide what will be done with pricing however I agree it makes no point to beta test without at least an idea of what it will cost.

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Open BETA testing is only a few weeks away. Someone must know what the price structure is going to be. Why would you even consider BETA testing a product that is going to be cost prohibitive. It would be like test driving a car that you knew you could never afford to buy.


haha, most of those cars you can't afford they wouldn't even let you test drive either =/ unless you can show them you GOT the $!

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