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Natural Selection


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Hi Guys,




Does anybody have any working Natural Selection Servers running through TCAdmin?




I have got NS Setup and running fine through hlds.exe, but all servers runnng through TCAdmin are not responding, Im guessing I have set it up wrong in TCAdmin - anybody got a working Config and file structure?




Thankyou, Alex

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I have already tried that several times :sad:




I have installed NS simply by making a copy of the cstrike game folde,r renaming it to NS, and then putting in the NS folder.




Dir Structure is:










hlds.exe and other programs




Is that correct?

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Download a fresh copy from STEAM. Leave the CSTRIKE folder as it is. The -game command is what tells the HL engine which game/folder to use.




Simply unzip NS into the top level folder. I beleive NS uses it's own folder, which I don't remember the name offhand. But use the -game command to load NS vs. CS.




So in a nutshell don't rename the cstrike folder. Simply create a new folder for NS and put it's files in there.




If you still can't get it, you can submit a ticket with your server and panel login info and I will take a look at it for you.

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So go to Dos;




Run :




HldsUpdateTool.exe -command update -game "counter-strike" -dir c:\games\NS




Then Download the Dedicated File from natural-selection.org and extract it to c:\games\NS




Is this what you mean?




Thanks - Alex

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To save time you can copy them files from your installs directory if you wish. Once you have them copied to a new directory simply unzip NS into the top level. If I remember correctly the zip file for NS contains it's own directory structure. It should create a NS something folder. Basically just dont unzip them to the CSTRIKE folder. Put them in a game folder of their own. The call the -game command in the command line to tell HL which game to start.

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I ddnt mean the games/cstrike/cstrike folder.




I meant I copied the Entire Counter Strike Directory (which has a sub directoy of cstrike in it, which you may be gettng confused with) and then put NS in it and renamed the top level from the games folder to NS, so it went as follows.


















The Top level NS folder used to be called cstrike in the games folder as I copied the counter strike stuff over, I am not referring to th actual cstrike with cstrike game models in it.




Hope this clears it up,



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