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Request for BF2CC


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Hey all,




I am looking for a BF2CC game config that works.




I have sen prvious one but can't get it working for love nor money.


If someone can help me or add a working BF2CC config for me.




I am tearing my hair out and seem to have tried everything so just a few simple instructions or anything would be great.









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lol...join the club. I have spent all day getting bf2 working using bf2cc with TCAdmin, and finally I have got it down.




I had to fiddle a bit with the config on here to do it though.




Basically you need to install the latest Windows Dedicated server (1.22) version of BF2, then BF2CC on top, and make sure you extract the modmanager files into the root of your game directory too.




Once yuo've imported the config file into TCAdmin, go into the default config files section and make a note of the files listed.




Then go into your game files folder, locate and delete ALL the files you jotted down from the default config files.




Hopefully it should just work

Battlefield 2.txt

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What did u fiddle with ??




Any help m8 how you got it working would be greatly appreciated, i have lost way 2 much sleep over setting up this panel lol.




Loving it but its a bit new 2 me atm lol.









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  • 2 months later...

Add the a template for that config file if it's not added already, and use the %rconpassword% variable to set a value for it. When the game server is created %rconpassword% is replaced with the rcon password typed by the person creating the game server.

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It would need to be encrypted. Best way to do it would be make a default password such as BFUSER or something similar. Then copy the encrypted characters from the XML file into the default config file.




Users can then simply login and change it once the server is activated.

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