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Tca advanced?


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im unsure of what i need to edit




possible you could do thi for me?




open and update tcadmin_advanced.php


Where it says

"Game ID" => array( "Type" => "text", "Size" => "15",


replace with

"Game ID" => array( "Type" => "dropdown", "Options" => $ddoptions,


This should be the easiest solution.



The solution will cause the gameID box under Module Settings to become a dropdown with all current configurable options, and custom fields available to select for that product.

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Also can someone point me to the wiki for the tca_advanced setup.. i know there was a wiki online of it..



Also if i wanted to ask the user for a tcadmin username they wanted to use how could i do that too? I think i want passwords to be randomly generated but just incase how can i ask for that also?

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There is no need to edit the php file.


In the product's Custom Field tab create a custom field of type drop down with these values:

Field Name: Game

Select Options: TCA_Game_Id|Game name,TCA_Game_Id|Game name,etc


Then in the product's module settings set the value of game id to "CustomField:Game"

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thank you !


and my last 2 questions


when i set the ["configOption:"] in the php file can i set it to configOption:Tcadmin Usermame or does it have to be one word?


Also is there a way to set specific slot amounts per drop down selected.


Ex: WHen the user selects cod4 from the game list ID section i want it to show the alloted slot count only for cod. Not from 2 slots to 100 slots. IS that possible?

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As well as not being able to load the default_values.php i would like to change "hostname" to Server Name


So at the Custom Fields menu instead of Hostname i would like to see Server Name.


What file and line of code do i need to edit to make the option CustomField:Server Name


And i can have spaces in the lines of code right? It can be Server Name and not Servername?

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  • 4 weeks later...

In default_values.php look for Client UserId and Password


Replace with code i listed below and edit to you liking


/* ************************** */

/* Client UserId and Password */

/* ************************** */


$billing_api_values["user_name"] = "CustomField: Username";

$billing_api_values["user_password"] = "CustomField:Password";

$billing_api_values["host_name"] = "CustomField:Name";


I have mine set to


$billing_api_values["user_name"] = "CustomField:Gamepanel Username";

$billing_api_values["user_password"] = "CustomField:Gamepanel Password";

$billing_api_values["host_name"] = "CustomField:Server Name";

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