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Ping and Tracert script call from TCAdmin


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Hey guys.


I've been doing some digging, and then I found this ping.aspx for use with TCAdmin.


I'm wondering if someone has a written aspx code that can run tracerts ( without login ) from your remotes across the world. all via tcadmin. say ping.aspx?serverid=Chicago1


I found a script http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showpost.php?p=52470&postcount=11


But, it's for ping only.


I haven't really done my trial and error messing with the script yet, but I will if it comes to that.



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I am sure there is a ton of PHP scripts out there that would run a tracert with variables.


You might be better off using one of those. If you want a link in your panel for it you can use the custom links within TCA to call that page as well.

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I am sure there is a ton of PHP scripts out there that would run a tracert with variables.


You might be better off using one of those. If you want a link in your panel for it you can use the custom links within TCA to call that page as well.


Yes, I know about those.


I'm looking for a script that works with the tcadmin panel, so I can call pings/tracerts to and from our Server lists within tcadmin.

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Give this guy a shot. It works the same way. It would need to be http://<your url>/tracert.aspx?serverid=<tcaid>







Wow! Thanks Jeremiah, I'll give this a go :)


Update: Works perfectly!! Now if only someone could create a aspx/php or java script that allows one to ping a server using an ID in tcadmin as usually people have firewalls that prevents ping responses.

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