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Decide v2's next big feature


v2's next big feature  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. v2's next big feature

    • Support tickets
    • Custom icons and scripting
    • Disk space monitoring/limits
    • Bandwidth graphs/limits
    • Support for Shockvoice

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If whmcs is already integrated within v2 via the billing api how would this differ? If the users are allowed to change their login credentials and emails within v2 and not with whmcs then their not going to matchup either way. Just curious though on your thought process here???


Oh, I didn't know.

Glad to hear that then.


I would like to see the disk space monitoring next.

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Well with a lot of mod sites you will find they have 1 url to get the mod download no matter how many updates they shove on their site.


You could do it so you can enter a url for the mod so instead of having to package the mod yourself you have a direct link to download.


Only problem with that is the fact not every game would support it without knowing the downloaded folder structure and also there could be things a user needs to do with the files before they can be used, it could be useful for map packs and some game mods though.


You could also maybe improve on that system by making it do something with the downloaded files so for instance if you knew the folder structure of the mod being downloaded then you could make it shove files along with the files and also know exactly where to extract the files.


In that case you wouldn't have any trouble with source engine mods using a complex system as i stated above, don't know if it would be worth doing though, maybe a future feature?

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You can create scripts to move the files to the correct location if the compressed file has a different structure. Check the enemy territory etpub mod for an example.The file is extracted to __tmp. There is a script for the "after extracted" event that moves the files to the correct folder.


Using a similar script you can create a dummy zip file with no files. In the after extracted event download the file, extract, then move the files to have the correct structure. Just 2 extra lines to download and extract the file.


Having you allow to enter a url in the mod settings sounds good but then you have the risk of somebody changing that url so it downloads malicious files. There would have to be a way to disable that since some hosts need to protect ventrilo and ranked files.

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What other options do you need for mod installations?


To be honest there's a lot of things that can be done to Game Mods.


Just few that comes in my mind:


1) File check to determine whether all files of mod are actually on server. It is very usefull in case that a lot of clients sometimes delete files from FTP that should not be deleted for mod to working right.


2) To first item we could easily add md5 check for mod files (file can be corrupted or different version or whatever).


3) Some mods doesn't need configs but have few cvars that should be put in config file (f.e. amxx.cfg). How user knows that this cvars was added and even exist? The third item is about an ability for users to see and edit cvars right from the mod page. It was shown on "visualization": http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=738&d=1278707423 (High Ping Kicker)


If we are talking about coolest control panel than why not to do it?

Edited by peace
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What about maps? Map control did't make big steps since v1.


1) Instal by click on picture. Multiply install.


2) Place in panel where user can see what maps are installed with ability to delete them.


3) FTP synchronization. F.e.: user manually uploads on FTP de_dust_2x2 map and by name of bsp file panel shows that this map is installed (in case this map name is already customized in panel by admins).


4) File check and md5. It goes close together with item 3. If user uploads map that is already in panel "database" than system automatically checks if the file size and all other files that goes with map are not corrupted and missing.


If we're talking about source or hl1 engine maps lets imagine map de_tca2.bsp that has 1 additional file 123.wad. This map can be installed through panel but user uploads it manually on FTP but forgets to upload 123.wad. This map wont work as well as server. What panel should do? Panel runs special check through maps folder, it finds de_tca2 map by .bsp file extension, panel checks file size by md5 and for additional files (123.wad). In case that 123.wad is missing panel suggest that map is missing file and can be updated by simple click.


It's not all that i have.

Edited by peace
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Sub users

Support system

News system

System monitor

Security plugin



These please asap :D

Luis uptill when can we expect these all features to be integrated in V2 ?

My clients are dying to get on V2 seeing the new ui and functions which are there in it.

Could you please add this - When a client starts/Stops service or Restarts you get to know who did it .

Cause even subusers can do it and stuff.

Can this be tracked with ip and logs been created for this ?




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  • 3 weeks later...

Any chance we can get the ability to add custom links to the game service page and/or user home?


Also Game Updates open fullscreen and aren't embedded into the theme - Unsure if this is a bug or not.




Ability to edit actual output header/footer with TCAdmin via the panel for adding jQuery/CSS links/Google Font API etc. would be nice.


Adding scripts in header are replaced to about:blank?

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