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usage detection, "hibernate" or stop action


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I was thinking about this possibility, and I don't know if someone already coded it.


The idea is already used by some GSP, and is simple :

When gameserver is not used since x times, by checking slot usage for exemple, the gameserver is switched into "hibernate" state, or simply stopped.

By this way, that's save manyyyyyyyyyy ressources into our dedicated server.


So a new subtab into the Process & Query Monitoring, called "Usage detection" and permetting to choose the variable usage, and the action, can be a really good feature for all of us I think :)


So if this script don't exist, I hope that's idea will be checked by some TCAdmin

Edited by WolwX
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  • 4 weeks later...
If it's not getting used it's not going to really put a strain on CPU cycles and ram.


Yes I understand, but some servers use CPU and RAM including when there isn't anyone online


That's not like if someone was on, but those 3-5% of CPU I see, and the large amount of RAM used when my CSS server are without player, can be a good point to work on

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Well, this could be used to start/stop "Demo" servers. Those servers could be shutdown when CPU/Memory is needed and started back after the usage come down.


But, in the client side, having to start back a server each time that i don't play for some time (scrim servers) would be anoying cause it's rare that all the team have the access to start the server back....

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I agree, sometimes that's can be anoying for customers, but this feature already exist in some GSP, and that's a solution interesting only for some games.


Exemple into Counter Strike War servers.


If we can have this type of feature, we can tweak it to put in "hibernate/freeze" mode, I mean the processus, and unfreeze it when a player is trying to connect into for exemple

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If a customer is paying $xx.xx per month for their server, the expect it to be up 100% of the time, not just when they start it so they can use it.




If you do a special price for this type of offer, and if customers know what's this "feature" where is the problem ?


I suggest a feature for the gamepanel, after, you are free to use it or not with your customers, that's not the point of this topic ...

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I see your point, I guess it could be an advantage for those that are overselling their servers.


Yep probably, like other who sell their servers with huge prices and "special options", everyone work like he want, and I'm not here to tell to someone what is wrong or not :)


Everyone have his own point of view, but anyway here we speak about a feature for TCAdmin, who can help GSP not dedicate hosting or webhosting.

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This feature has been requested a couple of times over the past few years and has never been added. I would rather see all the features that are in V1 included in V2 1st and this feature again be placed as low priority as it would benefit far fewer people than the other requested features. I am not saying that this would not benefit some, but the others would benefit the majority of TCA users.

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  • 8 months later...
I have a script that does this for v1 using the game monitor stats. When v2 has scripting it will also be possible.


I saw again this feature in other GSP so I come here to take news about that please.



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  • 1 year later...
I have a script that does this for v1 using the game monitor stats. When v2 has scripting it will also be possible.


Any news about this script ?


That's actually usable in v2 or I misunderstood ? :x


This feature can be really usefull ...

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I see your point, I guess it could be an advantage for those that are overselling their servers.


Have to agree;


This seems to stimulate overbooking/overselling your servers. Which means that when(it's a matter of when, not if) everything is active, the server doesn't have enough resources and lag will ensue. Not really a good thing imo.

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