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Modern Warfare 3


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I have download with stem but when I try to run the dedicated server it say:




any help ?

Same here. Idk if it's a crack protection or what but for sure i downloaded 3 times mw3 from steam. Do i need the entire game to exec server? (don't think so)

Edited by revhosting
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Only file i have similar is:




content is:






"Impostazioni consigliate aggiornate"





"Dall'ultima esecuzione di Modern Warfare 3, le impostazioni consigliate sono state aggiornate.

Desideri che il gioco si configuri automaticamente per prestazioni ottimali con queste nuove impostazioni?


Questa operazione ? altamente consigliata: modifica le opzioni di sistema ma non i comandi."





"Memoria virtuale scarsa:

il gioco potrebbe rallentare e fermarsi del tutto.

Ti consigliamo di terminare alcuni programmi prima di eseguire Modern Warfare 3.


Desideri avviare Modern Warfare 3 comunque?"





"Memoria scarsa"





"Si sconsiglia di inizializzare una finestra alla

profondit? di colore attuale. Scegli OK per provarci

comunque, altrimenti scegli Annulla per uscire."





"Profondit? di colore del desktop scarsa"





"Dall'ultima esecuzione di Modern Warfare 3, sembra che la configurazione hardware del tuo computer sia cambiata.

Desideri che il gioco si configuri automaticamente per prestazioni ottimali con il nuovo hardware?


Questa operazione ? altamente consigliata:

modifica le opzioni di sistema ma non i comandi."





"Attivare le impostazioni ottimali?"





"Modern Warfare 3 non ha potuto scrivere un file. Il disco potrebbe essere pieno."





"Errore di scrittura"





"All'ultima esecuzione, Modern Warfare 3 non ? stato terminato correttamente.

Desideri avviare il gioco in modalit? sicura?


Questa operazione ? altamente consigliata:

modifica le opzioni di sistema ma non i comandi."





"Avviare in modalit? sicura?"




"Errore irreversibile"




"Steam deve essere in esecuzione per poter avviare il gioco."




"Memoria esaurita. Il disco potrebbe essere quasi pieno."




"Memoria esaurita"




"Impossibile caricare una DLL. Fra le cause possibili, memoria non disponibile, spazio su disco insufficiente, file DLL mancanti."




"Errore DirectX"



"Errore irreversibile di DirectX.


Consulta il readme per possibili soluzioni."



"Inizializzazione del sistema audio Miles fallita.

Assicurati di aver installato i driver pi? recenti della tua scheda audio e DirectX."



"Impossibile avviare il processo."






to be more precise, this is the ONLY .txt file i've found in the game's folder. :)

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during your first download with hlds you will get around 6-10gb of files, run the updater again and it will grab all the missing files.


It done this to me aswell.


@zelatech thanks for the config, ill test it out today and see how it goes

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You have to add the Steam.dll to the files otherwise it wont display in the list.


Common problems are,


1. The example server.cfg is totally broken. It uses "set" for all the variables instead of "seta" which is required for it to work. While this is easy to fix it took quite a bit of effort to figure out as the last thing you expect is the example config to be broken.

2. The servers fail to startup fully in internet mode reporting "No Steam Master Servers found. Server will LAN visible only."

Update @ 16:52 08/11/2011 - This is fixed by copying Steam.dll from your steam directory to the dedicated server root directory and restarting the server.


3. The core variable required to run multiple servers from a single install, which is required by all server providers, appear to have been removed.

The setting in past games have been: fs_homepath and fs_localAppData

4. Apparently ranking isnt available on dedicated servers which makes them pretty much pointless.

5. cmdlist and dvarlist has also been removed making it very hard to check that config settings are valid

6. The server is huge 14GB, basically its a client install. Compare this to BF3 which is 1GB. There's no need to have a server include all the graphics, sounds and even cut scene movies.

7. No documentation at all that I can find. Again this is readly available for BF3 so why not MW3, its not like you guys are new at this.

8. The dedicated isnt availabe via the steam dedicated server download tool only via the client, which makes it very difficult to support. This is easy to fix and needs doing so ASAP.

9. Server randomly fails to start due to "lack of bandwidth" even when this is clearly no the case. The error message seen is:-

"Invalid server configuration - insufficient upstream bandwidth 0 kbps for 18 clients. Minimum 566 kbps required."

10. net_ip doesnt work. This needs to change the address binding for ALL ports and doesn't

11. Some times the server will insta bin on startup. Restarting it with no changes often just works

12. Server has no logging option, thats been found. This makes diagnosing issues like the above next to impossible.

13. Invalid / broken cpu requirements check sometimes reports things like the following, the check should be removed.

"Invalid server configuration - insufficient cpu performance 3.0252 ghz for 18 clients. Minimum 6.0000 ghz required."


Best Regards,


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You have to add the Steam.dll to the files otherwise it wont display in the list.


Common problems are,


1. The example server.cfg is totally broken. It uses "set" for all the variables instead of "seta" which is required for it to work. While this is easy to fix it took quite a bit of effort to figure out as the last thing you expect is the example config to be broken.

2. The servers fail to startup fully in internet mode reporting "No Steam Master Servers found. Server will LAN visible only."

Update @ 16:52 08/11/2011 - This is fixed by copying Steam.dll from your steam directory to the dedicated server root directory and restarting the server.


3. The core variable required to run multiple servers from a single install, which is required by all server providers, appear to have been removed.

The setting in past games have been: fs_homepath and fs_localAppData

4. Apparently ranking isnt available on dedicated servers which makes them pretty much pointless.

5. cmdlist and dvarlist has also been removed making it very hard to check that config settings are valid

6. The server is huge 14GB, basically its a client install. Compare this to BF3 which is 1GB. There's no need to have a server include all the graphics, sounds and even cut scene movies.

7. No documentation at all that I can find. Again this is readly available for BF3 so why not MW3, its not like you guys are new at this.

8. The dedicated isnt availabe via the steam dedicated server download tool only via the client, which makes it very difficult to support. This is easy to fix and needs doing so ASAP.

9. Server randomly fails to start due to "lack of bandwidth" even when this is clearly no the case. The error message seen is:-

"Invalid server configuration - insufficient upstream bandwidth 0 kbps for 18 clients. Minimum 566 kbps required."

10. net_ip doesnt work. This needs to change the address binding for ALL ports and doesn't

11. Some times the server will insta bin on startup. Restarting it with no changes often just works

12. Server has no logging option, thats been found. This makes diagnosing issues like the above next to impossible.

13. Invalid / broken cpu requirements check sometimes reports things like the following, the check should be removed.

"Invalid server configuration - insufficient cpu performance 3.0252 ghz for 18 clients. Minimum 6.0000 ghz required."


Best Regards,



A lot of your points are just flat out wrong FYI.

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Guys, a number of issues leave me feeling that MW3 is still in pre beta that is yet still got alot of work to do.


Any server i create doesnt show in steam server list, and i have tried a number of ways in the commandline to attempt to get that working.


The steam.dll aspect, this does need to go into the root dir of the game folder. However, i am still having LAN only issues, not broadcasting over the internet and or over steam server list.


Am i right in assuming that there better be an update soon that will resolve most of these issues. ?


--- cmd line


C:\cod8\iw5mp_server.exe +set dedicated 2 +set net_ip k +set net_port 23500 +set sv_config server.cfg +set net_queryPort 27550 +set sv_maxplayers 10 +start_map_rotate




--- output


version 1.2.359

Connecting to online services.....

Connected to online services.

net_port is write protected.

Executing server config "server.cfg"

Succeeded reading from default.dspl

Loaded 5 map entries

Loading DSR "TDEF_default.dsr"...

Loading Succeeded for DSR "TDEF_default.dsr"


Spawning map: mp_alpha, gametype tdef

Initializing Steam Game Server: game port 27550, auth port 8766, query port 27017, gamedir modernwarfare3, version

Steam Game Server initialized as Internet Server.

No Steam Master Servers found. Server will LAN visible only.

Steam Game Server connected. Local IP 1xxx.xxx.xx.xx, Public IP xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, Game Port 27550

Steam Game Server is VAC Secure

Spawn map (mp_alpha, tdef) complete.


Steam Master Servers found (2). Server will be Internet Server listed.








i am trying to get the game to actually properly work manually on steam and ingame server list. any help on this would be appreciated.




========= UPDATE


steam servers i think are for ranked only, but i now have servers working inside the mw3 server list, however TCADMIN templates are having issues i think

Edited by avizeke
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