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SteamCMD CentOS


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SteamCMD function doens't work on my install of CentOS 5.


Problem: Missing Files


Solution: Place files missing files in /home/tcadmin/Monitor/Tools/SteamCmd/linux32


Files missing:

  • libstc++.so.6
  • crashhandler.so
  • libtier0_s.so
  • libvstdlib_s.s
  • steamclient.so
  • steamconsole.so
  • libsteam.so


I believe part of this has to do with the steam.sh script. I think the last three files get downloaded when you execute it. Not to sure.

Edited by coolhome
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This is how I fixed this for CentOS 6.3:


Error: ./steamcmd: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.

Fix: yum whatprovides libstdc++.so.6

The output was: libstdc++-4.4.6-4.el6.i686 : GNU Standard C++ Library

So: yum install libstdc++-4.4.6-4.el6.i686


If that fails, try doing: yum install libstdc++

Then try: yum install libstdc++-4.4.6-4.el6.i686


Error: [----] !!! Fatal Error: Failed to load libsteam.so

Fix: You are not running the correct command. Go to /home/tcadmin/Monitor/Tools/SteamCmd in SSH and then run: STEAMEXE=steamcmd ./steam.sh


If you are missing files, download them from here:




These files should go in the linux32 folder in /home/tcadmin/Monitor/Tools/SteamCmd



I recommend setting up SteamCmd manually through SSH.

Always refer to this: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Counter-Strike:_Global_Offensive_Dedicated_Servers

Edited by SuperNova
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I'm getting this error when trying to download the CS:GO files through TCAdmin's Steam Game Download, I'm not sure what it means at all...




Error - [----] !!! Fatal Error: Steam failed to load: *SteamStartEngine(0xffc81df0) failed with error 1: can't determine users home directory




I am using Ubuntu 12.04

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