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Never Ever Go On Holiday!!! EVER (When Running a GSP)


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I have to say that running a GSP and having a holiday is a impossibility.




How do you guys do it?




I have been looking forward to takign a break for a week but its impossible. Well I think its only really impossible because of the problems I hav ehad while away.




On the day of my departure, the Master Server´s IIS crashed. It wasnt responding at all. I then asked a friend to Log in and Restart IIS, I couldnt because no Internet Cafe allows you to Remote Desktop.




After he logged in and tried to restart the server to correct the problems by restarting the whole server crashed. This then caused a cascade on to the other servers (for reasons unknown) and just messed everything up.




So I was left without a control panel for all of the clients and then all of the game servers on the master server also.




In all my time running GSPs I have never had such a badly timed critical failure on one of my servers. It completely messed up everything and due to been on holiday and not having completley access to RD or FTP or ANYTHING, it has been so impossible to get it fixed.




Needlless to say I think it was Luis who managed to get the Maste rWorking again after I requested a Remote Restart at the Data Center that took OVER 24 hours to complete.




Its been a great holiday but such a bad week for my company. I can see several people not renewing the service due to the outages faced this week.




How do you guys go on holiday? Especially when my only interface ot the company is through a Internet Cafe that does NOT work.








Im off to find some more Sangria.





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We have 3 people here that work on our GSP... so that isn't a problem for us. But, why wouldn't you hire some admin company to help you during this time? That way you can call them and have them fix it up, etc...

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Best policy is to make sure you have access to your remote system when you are away. Or as Hogie said, hire someone to look after things while you are away.




And emailing us is always an opition if it's something we can easily login and fix.




You would be surprised at the number of email requests we have gotten from GSPs that were out of town, and asked us to do restarts, etc... One even asked us to setup a COD2 game server for a client :smile:



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I wouldn't feel confortable hiring anyone, especially considering they would need full access to all the servers and without knowing full credibility it would be in my opinion quite a risky decision.


Anyway theres always next holiday!





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  • 7 months later...

Toll free # that pushes to a cell phone strapped to your hip!

Laptop with a wireless anywhere card!

A valued and trusted employee who has full acces to everything!


I went to Miami over the MLK Holiday last month. Spent 3 days drinking and whoring around. :p


I had one issue which I was alerted to after the fact. My guy took care of it and just kept me in the loop. Woohoo Disneyworld here i come baby!!!

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I moved to spain


When I work I take my laptop down to the beach and sit near the wireless system


I also have a thing called 'Dane'


Who does all the work when I go away :D


Was a bit nerve racking the first time, as I expected a ton of work when I got back from holiday but he'd handled it perfectly

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