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Insurgency 2


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Anyone have working config for that game?


I can't get it to work correctly with TCAadmin. Every attempt to start it from control panel gives me error:

ServiceStart: failed to start
ServiceStart: failed to start
utlmemory.cpp (261) : Assertion Failed: nBytesItem is 0 in UtlMemory_CalcNewAllo
Assert( Assertion Failed: nBytesItem is 0 in UtlMemory_CalcNewAllocationCount ):


and game crashes.


When I'm starting it manually it's working fine and without problems (using line generated through TCAdmin):


D:\UserFiles\marcing\GameServers\TC34558532062334527620678\srcds.exe -console -usercon +maxplayers 32 -port 27015 +ip +net_public_adr +hostname "Insurgency 2" +map ministry +rcon_password pass +log on +exec server.cfg


I'm attaching couple of dump filses from failed startups.






Edited by Marcin
Added couple of crashdump files.
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It doesnt matter if -game insurgency is present or not (and yes, I tested it).

Original line advertised by insurgency 2 forum is:


srcds.exe +maxplayers 32 -console -ip -port 27015 +hostname "Insurgency Server #123" +map heights +rcon_password remoteme


and is starting server fine and without problems.

Edited by Marcin
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here is a working tcadmin version 1 cfg for that game and for windows servers.


oh and you need to use the steam.dll, from your steam account, replace this fie in the bin folder of your Insurgency folder.


Please see attached files for CFG


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Insurgency 2.txt

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