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Beta Update 1.0.4846.16637 Questions


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Figured I'd post here instead of using a ticket since this info could be usefull for all.


After installing above update I tried setting anonymous under a specific gametype

and it is still asking for a login when using steamCMD. anonymous with no password

will not work or I am just doing it incorrectly.


Example under Admin Home > System Settings > Supported Games > DODS Details


Steam Game Type/App Id 232290

Steam Account: anonymous

Steam Password: Blank

Extra Command Line Options: Tried blank and adding login %steamaccount%


Still when I go to update the game it will not login and update the game.

It asks for login credentials.

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Right.. The problem is we dont set a user as some games still require a valid login.

We allow the client to use theirs. If a update occurs and 100 users or more try to update at the same time with a standard login it won't allow multiple/simultaneous logins from the same account.


Trying to input anonymous into the command pop-up without a PW tosses a password required error. Using a dummy PW wont allow it to login properly. Would it not be easier to just allow the pop-up to accept a username (anonymous) and execute without a PW? That or have the game specific steamCMD settings totally override and accept anonymous with no password.



>>>>>>>..... A thought... Leave the SteamCMd user empty in steam settings to allow users to login but under game specific in game config instead of having the user/PW options

just have a tick box .. "Use Anonymous login" This will over ride the pop-up and just login anonymous no pasword if ticked.


so if ticked it just passes "login anonymous force_install_dir %gameserverroot% app_update gameID validate"

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bump! Any luck with this? I think if it just pushed the login without as password when 'anonymous' is used and when no 'pw' is selected, this would work properly as opposed to sending the error code. Send the error code on any other name but 'anonymous'

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  • 4 weeks later...

No. I never opened a ticekt.. One thing I noticed is if you delete the contents of steamcmd except for the exe and run it then update it wil work once or twice then fails with the same errors as before but its really a crapshoot at best.

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