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WHMCS Username Incorrect


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This is the only error showing in our logs. I am unable to submit a support ticket due to the account owner being in hospital


Module Create Failed - Service ID: 9594 - Error: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: The specified date is not in UTC. Type is Unspecified. Parameter name: NextRunTimeUtc at TCAdmin.TaskScheduler.SDK.Objects.Task.set_ScheduledTimeUtc(DateTime value) at TCAdmin.TaskScheduler.Service.?(Object ?) at TCAdmin.TaskScheduler.Service.CrossAppDomain.AddTask(Object arguments) at TCAdmin.SDK.Proxies.CommandProxy.Execute(Object args) at TCAdmin.TaskScheduler.ModuleApi.ModuleCommands.AddTask(Server destinationServer, TaskInfo task, Boolean waitForResponse) at TCAdmin.TaskScheduler.ModuleApi.TaskInfo.CreateTask(Server server) at TCAdmin.TaskScheduler.ModuleApi.TaskInfo.CreateTask() at Web.GameHosting.billingapi.xc9f5c0c708acbff6() at Web.GameHosting.billingapi.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)

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it doesnt add a name, just a single number


If the username exists with a different billing id it will add a number. You can check the Logs\Web\BillingApi.LastCommand.log to see what is being sent to tcadmin.

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