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Couple of questions :


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Let me just say that I never had a dedicated server with a control panel.


1. ok so I saw that sticky http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=4049

and I know how to open gam servers for all the servers that are using steamCMD now I know not all of the game use steamCMD but how hard is to go to their website and read how to install the server, so will I be able to work with TCA or not ? because I have some of experience with hosting game servers on my own PC.


2.I have never experienced with creating data bases or websites so I have a question about this : the data base is used to store all clients and users of the panels thats it right ? and if I never dealed with data bases will I be able to set one easly by reading your wiki ? (is it noob friendly)


3.Same thing with creating a web panel I have no experience making websites or working with panels so will I be able to do it by reading your wikis ?


4.The featured game/radio/voice servers here http://tcadmin.com/features.php

they're being updated constantly or their template in the panel is old and I would've to manually download them from the publisher website ?


5.Can I host games that arn't listed here


like Garry's mod ? (I know how to open a Garry's mod server in my own PC but I ask it because I don't know how all this thing works if you can create game servers that arn't listed or not)


6.Is there anything in the panel that lets you manage the game servers configs (to edit server configuration, add admin, manage some mods that work with config files etc) ? Or will I have to manually go to the game server folder and change the thing I want manually ?


7.Is there anything in the panel that lets you manage the game servers Mods (The problem here is that every game has a different way of adding mods) ? Or will I have to manually go to the game server folder and add the mod I want manually ?

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1. TCAdmin v2 is very user friendly and you should be able to handle it


2. Download MySQL Web Installer, install just the MySQL Server and then Workbench. Setup a new user and schema. Nothing difficult there and you can always ask for further help on forums here or many other places.


3. The web portion is fully done by the TCAdmin installer. Nothing for you to create or have to do special.


4. Games and features are continually evolving. That isn't an exhaustive list at all.


5. Yes, you can easily host games that aren't listed. Garry's mod is readily hosted by many who use TCAdmin as well as many other games.


6. Yes, you can setup the configuration editor to make changes very easy for others or yourself. You can also use the text editor within to make the changes to any config or ini files and save them through the interface without having to access the files on the physical system.


7. You can setup mod installations for games easily. You have a plethora of tools available to accomplish that.


Keep in mind, all the things you're asking for are available but all require you to put time and effort into configuring TCAdmin how you want for the games you're hosting. This isn't simply install and the system does everything for you. You will need to spend quite a bit of time configuring options to your liking in order to satisfy your questions.

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1. TCAdmin v2 is very user friendly and you should be able to handle it


2. Download MySQL Web Installer, install just the MySQL Server and then Workbench. Setup a new user and schema. Nothing difficult there and you can always ask for further help on forums here or many other places.


3. The web portion is fully done by the TCAdmin installer. Nothing for you to create or have to do special.


4. Games and features are continually evolving. That isn't an exhaustive list at all.


5. Yes, you can easily host games that aren't listed. Garry's mod is readily hosted by many who use TCAdmin as well as many other games.


6. Yes, you can setup the configuration editor to make changes very easy for others or yourself. You can also use the text editor within to make the changes to any config or ini files and save them through the interface without having to access the files on the physical system.


7. You can setup mod installations for games easily. You have a plethora of tools available to accomplish that.


Keep in mind, all the things you're asking for are available but all require you to put time and effort into configuring TCAdmin how you want for the games you're hosting. This isn't simply install and the system does everything for you. You will need to spend quite a bit of time configuring options to your liking in order to satisfy your questions.


My plan is to buy it for life so I wont have to pay each month do you think I'll be able to learn how to configure everything like making it automatic to add mods / easy to edit cfg files and so on ? also if it will be hard I could post it here on the forums and people will teach me how to do that ?

and another thing by your fourth answer you ment that the game servers files (that tcadmin have templaes for them) are constantly being updated so I wont have to download for example cs 1.6 files with steamcmd manually ?

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People here can be quite helpful>

As the previous fellow stated, you'll get the hang of the mod adding. Once you know how it is very easy, the first few times just take a lot of time and effort on your part, after that it just takes time. Editing config files is easy, there is basically a text editor(like notepad) built into the web interface.


You can set automatic update tasks so templates update regularly. You can even set gameservers themselves to update regularly, complete with the option to wait until the server is empty.

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People here can be quite helpful>

As the previous fellow stated, you'll get the hang of the mod adding. Once you know how it is very easy, the first few times just take a lot of time and effort on your part, after that it just takes time. Editing config files is easy, there is basically a text editor(like notepad) built into the web interface.


You can set automatic update tasks so templates update regularly. You can even set gameservers themselves to update regularly, complete with the option to wait until the server is empty.


wow this is really usefull :)

and what else do I need to buy for the web panel a domain and somewhere to host it or somehting like that ?

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domain would be helpful but not really necessary, depending on what you are going to use it for. It is easier..but you can also just have http://ip:8880


You do need a server to host it yes, both Linux and Windows work.


ok lets say I host a dedicated server and install the panel on the dedicated server so I just enter <serverip>:8880 in the browser ?

and I could enter the web panel even from my own PC ?

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Master is the first initial server that also runs the webserver. Remotes are for other servers that call back to the master. Everything is run through or controlled through the master's web interface.


Yes, people are really quite helpful and you'll always find someone willing to lend a hand or some expertise.

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Master is the first initial server that also runs the webserver. Remotes are for other servers that call back to the master. Everything is run through or controlled through the master's web interface.


Yes, people are really quite helpful and you'll always find someone willing to lend a hand or some expertise.


so if I want to controll the hoster server via the web panel I need to install the master on the hosted server and install the remote on my computer ?

cant I just install the master on the hoster server and control it somehow from the web server without the remote?

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The master can also run gameservers. So if you don't plan on running too many gameservers, you can just only have the master. You can run the gameservers outside of tcadmin. But it really is all done through the web panel.


so what is the remote for ? I dont understand you :\

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The remote is for additional dedicated servers. Each dedicated server has to have a remote license that connects back to your master. You're only going to need a master for one dedicated server and then yes, you can control that and all individual game servers running from that box through the web interface.

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The remote is for additional dedicated servers. Each dedicated server has to have a remote license that connects back to your master. You're only going to need a master for one dedicated server and then yes, you can control that and all individual game servers running from that box through the web interface.


then if I buy a master for 1 dedicated and then I buy another dedicated server why for this server I need the remote and not the master?

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You have one head server that controls the others. This is the master.

You can buy other physical servers that talk with the master, these are remotes.


The master can also host gameservers besides being the master.


ok things are a bit more clear now

so I have my master installed and then I have my remote installed on other machine so lets say I want to host servers on the remote I can do it by "remoting" the master panel to do it on the second machine ?

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