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OVH - Dedicated Server & TCAdmin?


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Hello there..


I just got my dedicated server from OVH. (Finally).


It's running CentOS 6.4 "64-bit", and is located in GRA France.


I tested its speed and that is just fine.


So I install TCAdmin v2 on it, The installation went just fine.. But when I tried to access it, http://MYIP:8880. Sometimes it loads, sometimes it doesn't, it's really wired, It's like it just lose the connect to the server all the time?


Any of you using OVH, that know anything about this?


I ask here before contacting their support.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

hello Evilsystem: I wanted to let you know that sometimes we passed that, and do not know why esque but some machines closed ovh comes complete iptables so closing the ports used by tcadmin, so check the iptables before and its rules, that v2 tcadmin works perfect with ovh, and almost all

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  • 2 weeks later...

Normally OVH doesnt block automatic. Maybe u have a wrong config ? I've some multiples dedis in RBX and GRA and never happened to me. Only with another Panel, but was a problem of php.ini with memory_limit for scripts that made panel slowly.


At default its setted to 128M try to put more higher. Or reinstall the server and try again.

In theory iptables are activated in ovh, but hasnt got any rule if aren't made by you so..

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  • 1 month later...

This is kinda off topic, but how do you guys like OVH...?

You said it took a long time to get the server initially setup, how long did it take?

Does it take a week? 72 hours? 48 hours? 24 hours?

Do they have often network issues?


I've heard mixed reviews about them.



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OVH had some issues some month ago. They changed their prices and received (I got this from a woman called Jenny from OVH) about 10.000 orders within a short time.


Some people first received their servers about 2 months after they ordered them.

But OVH is great.

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The price change wasn't a typo. It happened at the same time as they implemented their 'free' DDoS protection. Everybody thinks that 480Gbps sounds like the best protection you can ever find. What people seems to forget, is that ALL their customers share the SAME protection.


I'm not saying it's bad, but I've seen new game hosts bragging about their "480Gbps protection", which to me is fooling the customers.

After we switched to OVH, we haven't had any real issues with DDoS. Our servers, however, has big problems sometimes. According to them, our servers freeze, their's problems with the AC and such. They do intervene pretty fast, though.


I ordered a new server recently (after they "opened up" for sales again) and received my server in a couple of minutes. I was pretty surprised.

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  • 1 year later...
This is kinda off topic, but how do you guys like OVH...?

You said it took a long time to get the server initially setup, how long did it take?

Does it take a week? 72 hours? 48 hours? 24 hours?

Do they have often network issues?


I've heard mixed reviews about them.




Took us 8 hours and havent any complaints yet

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  • 8 months later...
I don't rent from OVH due to support.

It's the thing they skimp out on.

With their prices, it had to be something.


They're a Infrastructure company, not a services company. Thats why there is little no support OS side. They only handle hardware and network(And network only on their end)

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I meant exactly support on network. Can take a long time before I got a response.

Generally don't need support for actually managing the machines :)

But when something goes worng hardware or network..don't expect fast response.


They could've changed that by now though!

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  • 3 months later...

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