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Teamspeak Setup


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I don't know if this was answered anywhere but I want to setup my tcadmin to install ts voice servers. I got all the dir files and put it on my master server under gamefiles/teamspeak folder.




How do I make it work?

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This wont work. TS creates the superadmin and admin users as it's run for the first time. So if you were to simply copy the files from an existing install it would make the sa and admin logins the same for all servers.




In my opinion that is simply asking for trouble. However, you can create a game config for them and then create a manual service that points to the individual servers after they have been installed.

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I want to run full servers for every client of mine. This allows them to do alot more configuration then vservers.




I think you need to re-evaluate that thought. The only configuation they loose, when run through TCAdmin, is;


The creation on server.


Changing the size of servers.


Controling the IP and port servers are on.


All three of these just mean higher bill from teamspeak, as they bill for any slot that ever existed during the month whether it was on purpose or accident. Authorised or Unauthorised. 1 bad client could leave you with one wopping bill from teamspeak :confused:




Add to that that drastic increase in resource usage and the fact that you are limited to 1 server per IP on the machine.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes. You will need to add your Teamspeak server as a master TS server in the panel.




System Settings>Voice Server Settings and add your TS server.




Once you have added it you can goto the Voice Server option from the main menu, where you can add,and delete virtual servers.



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