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Looking for 7 Days to die


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This server on Linux is terrible. The servers we have running enterprise hardware can't run them, but a server bought for 12 euros from Kimsufi runs it without problems. The devs doesn't know why, and they haven't shown any sign of wanting to find the problem when I talked to them.

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Setup the config template.


A thing that is worth mentioning, is the fact that serverconfig.xml gets overwritten once you use SteamCMD to update the files. Everything in that file will be replaced with the default values. Use a custom server configuration instead (copy the default one and give it another name).

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Hello Guys,

i would like to integrate a softreset of my server so the ingame days of 7d2d would not save when you close the server

so i write a telnet socket connection script how connact to the server and close this server but the script is very unlucky with many server so it dont works correctly


so any other idea how can i send the command shutdown to my server ?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hello Guys,

i would like to integrate a softreset of my server so the ingame days of 7d2d would not save when you close the server

so i write a telnet socket connection script how connact to the server and close this server but the script is very unlucky with many server so it dont works correctly


so any other idea how can i send the command shutdown to my server ?


hmm iam looking for the same! i Speak with the Developer of 7d2d its a Simpl TCP.Socket connecten to server with first command is



than ENTER

Than Shutdown

than Enter

i write also a script for this but its no realy good ...


you cant include anything in a console or somthing because the console of the game is invisible you can only see what happen in the log ... thats so bad anyone got an idea ?


so it need to be an Programm with command line like this!


Programm.exe -ip IP -Port PORT -Command "PW\#shutdown\"

so the \ Symbols a ENTER Push

Edited by Finest
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