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Regular expression


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How can I use the regular expression branding system




In the branding I usually put ]GAMESCLAN.COM[ but the user some time give colors to that and the branding system disable the server.


Could some one explain me, please




thanks in advance



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I have not tired it yet, but I think if you set the "regular Expression" field, TCAdmin will search for the expression within the hostname regardless of where the branding is place.




Example: If you enter "Gamesclan" in the regular expression field, TCAdmin will search the hostname for that string. I believe it can be anywhere in the hostname, which means you could add color format etc...






So if the hostname was My Server is awesome Gamesclan, it would be ok. But if the user removes the Gamesclan, then it will warn you.




Try it on one of your severs Deigo :smile:

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 years later...
Regular expressions can be used for things a lot more complicated than that. Take a look at this example:




http://www.tcadmin.com/forum/index.php?t=msg&goto=8996&a mp;rid=3#msg_8996



I forgot this from a long time, could you please make some example on the regular expression pattern please (the link is dead from the old forum)


Thanks in advance LFA and Kevin

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  • 5 months later...
  • 8 months later...

Here's the missing post.


What I would find it useful is for the ability to allow your clients to use different brandings. For example:






Would allow your clients to have 3 different brandings:








Or you can allow them to place your name in lowercase:




This would allow:















Here is a regular expressions tester that you can use to test your regular expressions:




And a regular expression reference:


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