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Criteria for custom variable creation.


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I Am attempting to define a new custom variable that I can insert it into my command line and add the ability to add mods to an Arma 3 dedicated server.




Equally, the wiki page really doesn't go into fine enough detail as to how to define a custom variables options to achieve this result.


The commandline template used is configured in the game details. "Default Custom Commandline" for public services and "Private Custom Commandline" for private services. Use the $[service.UserCommandLine] variable to specify where the user's values will be inserted.


To determine which variables will be used as command line parameters Select the "Variables" icon in game details. Select or create a custom variable. Configure the options in the "Commandline Parameter Options" tab



What settings/options are required to get $[service.UserCommandLine] working as a custom variable?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hunted down your topic mate.


$[service.UserCommandLine] is just a notification as to WHERE the custom parameters should start.


You create custom variables here; Go to the Game Config, scroll down and head to Variables. There you can create a new one.

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I am tying to add a line to the command line options so I can enable mods in ARMA 3. The syntax is:




So $[service.UserCommandLine] belongs in here?

It doesn't have the same syntax as the others.

Their all -word=$[]. Not just $[]


So is it

-Mods=$[service.UserCommandLine] ?


<cmdline_default>-ip=$[service.IpAddress] -port=$[service.GamePort] -noPause -noSound -cpuCount=![cpuCount] -maxMem=![maxMem] -exThreads=![exThreads] "-cfg=![cfg]" "-config=![config]" "-profiles=![profiles]" -world=empty</cmdline_default>


I created a custom variable per instructions

Here is my support ticket log-


View Ticket #658224


Department: TCAdmin Windows Support

Date: 2014/06/09 15:55

Subject: Creatin a custom command line option for mods - Arma 3

Status: Answered

Urgency: Low

TCAdmin Version: 2.0

Operating System: Windows 7 64 bits


Richard || Client 2014/06/09 15:55


I am currently trying to create a custom command-line option so that my players can add and remove mods in ArmA 3.




was the syntax I was provided with on the forums.


I have had some limited success in adding




(copying options from other custom variable counterparts)


I had success in that it created a line within the command line parameters page called mods, and I could/can add and save @mods. However upon starting the server its as though none of it is there and it executes purely vanilla.


My previous host jestservers had such a line, it worked flawlessly,however I find mystified as how to implement this myself.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Thank You



IP Address:

Luis Alvarenga || Staff 2014/06/09 22:07



Try creating a custom variable named Mods. In the variable options tab check " Commandline parameter" and enable user access. Configure it as a textbox and set the parameter template to "-mods ![Mods]"




Richard || Client 2014/06/10 12:14

This solution yields the same effect as my previous attempts, loading only into vanilla mode no matter what command-line is selected.

It still creates a new line under the command-line options page, but it does not respect whatever is placed within it upon execution.


I also tried:

"-mods= ![Mods]"

in addition to

"-mods ![Mods]"

as you instructed,

(as the command line syntax is "-mods=@mod_name1,@mod_name2" etc)

But still to no avail.


in the arma 3 - windows.xml is:


<cmdline_default>-ip=$[service.IpAddress] -port=$[service.GamePort] -noPause -noSound -cpuCount=![cpuCount] -maxMem=![maxMem] -exThreads=![exThreads] "-cfg=![cfg]" "-config=![config]" "-profiles=![profiles]" -world=empty</cmdline_default>


<cmdline_private />


<cmdline_default_custom>-ip=$[service.IpAddress] -port=$[service.GamePort] -noPause -noSound -cpuCount=![cpuCount] -maxMem=![maxMem] -exThreads=![exThreads] "-cfg=![cfg]" "-config=![config]" "-profiles=![profiles]" -world=empty</cmdline_default_custom>


Am i perhaps missing something here in addition and need to reimport?



Thank you for your time!

Richard || Client 2014/06/10 16:11









Luis Alvarenga || Staff 2014/06/10 18:27


Stop it in tcadmin and run it manually: http://help.tcadmin.com/Troubleshooting_Game_%26_Voice_Services#Running_the_Service_Manually


Fix the command line until it works correctly when running it manually. Then apply the changes that you made to tcadmin.


Luis Alvarenga

TCAdmin - The Game Hosting


No closer than I was 20 days ago.

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First you create the variable in the Game Config location.

Just make it a singleline variable. give it a name, people can fill in the text themselves.


Make sure the checkbox is ticked that says commandline parameter.

Then once you have saved the variable, go to commandlines section in Game Config.


Change this:


-ip=$[service.IpAddress] -port=$[service.GamePort] -noPause -noSound -cpuCount=![cpuCount] -maxMem=![maxMem] -exThreads=![exThreads] "-cfg=![cfg]" "-config=![config]" "-profiles=![profiles]" -world=empty




-ip=$[service.IpAddress] -port=$[service.GamePort] -noPause -noSound -cpuCount=![cpuCount] -maxMem=![maxMem] -exThreads=![exThreads] "-cfg=![cfg]" "-config=![config]" "-profiles=![profiles]" -world=empty -mod=![Variablename]


You can probably take a lot of hints from either the config variable or cfg variable that are already custom made.

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no dice...


I deleted the service, the arma 3 xml, the custom parameter as instructed by support, and then reimported the xml and created a new variable per your instructions in my new service.

I then added the commandline as per your instructions adding only one mod to keep it simple.




this is the result when I hit preview in the commandline:


-ip= -port=2302 -noPause -noSound -cpuCount=4 -maxMem=4096 -exThreads=7 "-cfg=A3DS\basic.cfg" "-config=A3DS\server.cfg" "-profiles=A3DS\Profiles" -world=empty -mod=![Variablename] @CBA_A3


=![VariableName] Should not be there, nor the space after.


should be

-ip= -port=2302 -noPause -noSound -cpuCount=4 -maxMem=4096 -exThreads=7 "-cfg=A3DS\basic.cfg" "-config=A3DS\server.cfg" "-profiles=A3DS\Profiles" -world=empty -mod=@CBA_A3;



the hunt continues.

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Sounds like your variable name in the command line is not the name you gave the variable in the "variables" settings, double check your variable name when you set it up, and then adjust your command line variable so that it matches exactly the variable name you made during your setup, variables are case sensitive.


Razio's advice is solid, it looks as though you did not define the "VariableName" in your list of variables in the same way you defined it in your commandline or you forgot to select the check box that says this is Command line Variable.

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I double checked, you were correct in the matter of case sensitivity and i quickly rectified that oversight.


Currently I can get the correct line with seemingly the correct properties, but what comes up is a zombie server showing no mods now, not ever the native ones that should be showing on a vanilla server.


-ip=$[service.IpAddress] -port=$[service.GamePort] -noPause -noSound -cpuCount=![cpuCount] -maxMem=![maxMem] -exThreads=![exThreads] "-cfg=![cfg]" "-config=![config]" "-profiles=![profiles]" -world=empty -mod=![mod]










as you can see expansions are empty. Even a vanilla server would show Zeus, Karts, etc. So something "broke" in the process. :/

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Luis Alvarenga || Staff 2014/06/11 20:34

Creating a variable named Mods with parameter template set to "-mods=![Mods]" should work.


In the command line just user:

-ip= ... -world=empty ![Mods]


Or you can set the parameter template blank and set the command line to:

-ip= ... -world=empty -mod=![Mods]


If you want me to take a look send the link to a game server where I can test and admin password.


Luis Alvarenga

TCAdmin - The Game Hosting Control Panel





Richard || Client 2014/06/12 16:01



didn't end up looking right in the commandline, its was a garbled mess.

and nothing I added stuck.


it ended up being -mod=@modname

not -mods , as well


so i changed everything to suit.


-mods=![mods] (changing the custom variable) I had to remove the superfluous quotation marks and add a space at the beginning to make for the proper spacing. But they seem to serve a higher function. The quotations that is.


As even though the command line manager has my modifiable line, as well as looks proper upon preview now


(for example, adding two more mods to that line and previewing @CBA_A3;@alive;@U100; )


resulting in


-ip= -port=2302 -noPause -noSound -cpuCount=4 -maxMem=4096 -exThreads=7 "-cfg=A3DS\basic.cfg" "-config=A3DS\server.cfg" "-profiles=A3DS\Profiles" -world=empty -mod=@CBA_A3;@alive;@U100;



but now the server is completely dark upon restart. The service shows as running from the panel, but it is not visible to any trackers, nor by direct ip connection. And query has never worked.


I'm stumped.

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I did, At the request of support earlier.


I used the cmd line to drill down to




then pasted the following (utilizing 3 mods this time) :


C:\TCAFiles\Users\spectre\1>arma3server.exe -ip=(redacted IP) -port=2302 -noPause

-noSound -cpuCount=4 -maxMem=4096 -exThreads=7 "-cfg=A3DS\basic.cfg" "-config=A3

DS\server.cfg" "-profiles=A3DS\Profiles" -world=empty -mod=@CBA_A3;@alive;@U100;



The results were that as a direct cmd line it works perfectly, but filtered through tcadmin as its currently configured, it does not.

I can only get 1 mod to work as its currently set, @CBA_A3. Why or how that is be a mystery to me. But if i place anything other than, or in addition to @CBA_A3 in the mod line, all I get an invisible zombie service.

Here is a pic from the server browser when the above line is executed directly from the cmd line.




You can see the enabled mods in the lower right.

So the command line syntax is correct. No errors.

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I am also seeing that no matter if i check the box, or place anything in it for that matter, and hit preview, it is being injected with old string data.


Here you can see mods is clearly not ticked, nor does it contain any text.




But when when I hit preview, you can see it placed 4 mods in the command line from a previous attempt.



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Hi, I'm not 100% sure it is a problem with mod variable and not something wrong in the file structure or the config. I completely understand your frustration with getting the mod to work so the first reaction is one might assume its the Mod variable and parameter for the command line that are at fault, but I think there is a possibility of something else happening here.


The way the variable works is you create it, and the variable is simply a place holder to allow text entered in the config editor to populate the controlled variable name we create to hold that place. If you create the variable, and you type 12345 or whatever and it populates the mod variable with what you enter then the variable is doing what it is meant to do and what is expected of it.


I believe it could be something that is overlooked in the config, from all accounts the variable is doing what it is meant to do, it populates what you type for a mod, and that is its function. Did you build the config yourself or is it one from the forums, I ask because the forum copy quickly deprecates with each new patch to the game, it could be something overlooked.


The only real way to know for certain what is causing the issue for you is that you would have to be willing to share the config you created or started with, and someone would be curious enough to browse it for you.

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Hi, I'm not 100% sure it is a problem with mod variable and not something wrong in the file structure or the config. I completely understand your frustration with getting the mod to work so the first reaction is one might assume its the Mod variable and parameter for the command line that are at fault, but I think there is a possibility of something else happening here.


The way the variable works is you create it, and the variable is simply a place holder to allow text entered in the config editor to populate the controlled variable name we create to hold that place. If you create the variable, and you type 12345 or whatever and it populates the mod variable with what you enter then the variable is doing what it is meant to do and what is expected of it.


I believe it could be something that is overlooked in the config, from all accounts the variable is doing what it is meant to do, it populates what you type for a mod, and that is its function. Did you build the config yourself or is it one from the forums, I ask because the forum copy quickly deprecates with each new patch to the game, it could be something overlooked.


The only real way to know for certain what is causing the issue for you is that you would have to be willing to share the config you created or started with, and someone would be curious enough to browse it for you.


I did not build the config myself. That would be admittedly far beyond my abilities. I am a design engineer by trade and an aerospace machinist as my current occupation, not a xml coder, nor a provider of any ilk. Just a control freak trying to provide the best level of control to my small band of Arma 3 cohorts is all.

As I tried just about every server host there was hosting arma 3, only the one utilizing tcadmin was truly useful, intuitive and fully functional. No waiting for the host to perform updates, etc..Its what i wanted for us, just not at a monthly exuberance. I wanted it in-house.

So figuring Arma 3 has a 10 year life-cycle, it made good financial sense to purchase a license.


I used this one:

Arma3 - Windows.xml (47.8 KB)

from this thread..



its for an Altis Life RPG server, but I hoped Arma 3 was Arma 3. Its not a different title, just a mod. But perhaps im wrong.

as it was the only arma 3 one on the forums.

I imported it and began from there.

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Ok, I will take a look this weekend, I hear you out and understand, I'm a legal analyst by trade. This is my creative personality and something I'm really starting to enjoy so I have been learning allot from what people have shared.


TCA is solid, I really think that the config has been deprecated by updates and its probably a small and minor thing but it has been overlooked.


I'm working on a few new server nodes this weekend but I will take some time to see what I can discover, problem with alpha and beta games is the patches... they come so fast sometimes that the solid work can become history in weeks. Now that you have shared, the other real pro's will have info and will probably know much faster than I will.


I will try to replicate what I see and I will let you know and possibly I will provide an updated config if time allows it, either way I will do my best to help you out.

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Thank you.


And for the record I switched to this xml:




from this thread:



I noticed that it doesn't contain any of the Arma Life RPG stuff in it, its seemingly just straight up Arma 3 xml file from what i can make of it in a code viewer.

Had to update the reporting ip's as its from a bit older thread in the forums, but it seems like an overall more appropriate "straight up" Arma 3 profile to start with at least.


I tried single line, multi-line, word wrap, no word wrap. multi-line with word wrap. every permutation i could think of , but it just wont respect anything I put in there beyond the first ; .

So same results in the end, I can only get one mod to load, @CBA_A3. Anything more or other than that mod leads to a dead server.

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You tell me it won't respect anything beyond the ; mark.

That seems like it's a code stop then.


Between the "" like the other variables. Fastest would be to just override commandline manually in service settings for testing purposes;



Second attempt would be -mods="FIRSTMOD;SECONDMOD;WHATEVERMOD;"

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How you make out Spectre? I'm sorry I have been swamped with servers and setting up a new web host, I will play with it tonight if time allows. Once I start FTP of folders I will have some downtime.


Until ten minutes ago no..But it is running now.


Using a popular Arma 3 dedicated server host/command line generator tool, TOPHES.




I was able to extract this line. (ignore any weird spacing in the names, it's the forums, I checked twice)


-ip= -port=2302 "-config=C:\TCAFiles\Users\spectre\1\TADST\default\TADST_config.cfg" "-cfg=C:\TCAFiles\Users\spectre\1\TADST\default\TADST_basic.cfg" "-profiles=C:\TCAFiles\Users\spectre\1\TADST\default" -name=default "-mod=@A3MP;@A3MP_AP;@alive;@Arma2NET;@ARP2;@ASDG_Attachments;@ASDG_JR;@ASM;@C17A3;@CAF_AG1.5;@CBA_A3@Clafghan;@CLF_Mods;@cTab;@EBU_Mods;@fata;@fhq_accessories;@gl;@hafm_arma2_helis;@HiddenIdentityPackV2;@JS_JC_FA18;@kyo_MH47E;@mas;@mas_weapons;@Peral_A_10C;@prpl_benelliM4_1.0;@RAV_Lifter_A3;@RH_M4;@RH_Pistol_pack;@RQ_11_RAVEN_AB_A3;@RWCO;@STI_MG;@task_force_radio;@tmr;@U100;@ASR_AI3;A3DS;@SMGR;@AGM;@sangin_a3"



Making this the one Ive basically been using up till now to run our closed unit missions.


But at its core it's really just:


-ip= -port=2302 "-config=C:\TCAFiles\Users\spectre\1\TADST\default\TADST_config.cfg" "-cfg=C:\TCAFiles\Users\spectre\1\TADST\default\TADST_basic.cfg" "-profiles=C:\TCAFiles\Users\spectre\1\TADST\default" -name=default "-mod=



now emulating that syntax, a known, and "fully working" format, I changed the Default Custom Commandline and Default Commandline for Arma 3 to match:


-ip=$[service.IpAddress] -port=$[service.GamePort] "-config=![config]" "-cfg=![cfg]" "-profiles=![profiles]" -noPause -noSound -cpuCount=![cpuCount] -maxMem=![maxMem] -exThreads=![exThreads] -name=default


(-noPause -noSound -cpuCount=![cpuCount] -maxMem=![maxMem] are admittedly extemporaneous, but known)


which gives me a nice, well formatted parallel to the above proven commandline :


-ip= -port=2302 "-config=A3DS\server.cfg" "-cfg=A3DS\basic.cfg" "-profiles=A3DS\Profiles" -noPause -noSound -cpuCount=4 -maxMem=4096 -exThreads=7 -name=default




Custom Variable>


variable name: mod

parameter template; "-mod=![mod]"

(note the space before it, don't know if it matters)

Ticked: Commandline parameter / Don't add space after commandline parameter / Admin access / Sub admin access / User access / Single line / wrap /





I had tried all the quotational permutations you suggested above to no avail. This however seems to work in the end though.

I even took Friday off of work just to try and crack this nut. Its was a very disappointing weekend. :o


So I'll tentatively say for the moment that I think its solved. we will truly see once a few of the monkeys start smashing it with hammers. :)

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Than you for any and all assistance!


Like i said, I'm just a hopelessly addicted Arma 3 player coupled with a need for control. :p

Ive never spent so much money on a "game" in my entire life.


After paying 65$ or so a month for a for a single 10 slot server for nearly a year (but it was the only tcadmin host I had found, and is why I was willing pay so much more in my mind), I ended up buying my own enterprise class dual processor server, a 32gb ecc ram upgrade, a truly separate and dedicated fiber line into my home just for the server. The TCadmin license. Multiple Arma 3 licences for HC, TrackIR pro, Thrustmaster Warthog HOTAS, Saitek pro flight pedals.

We won't even get into the SLI client rig i built to play on :|:

It really is a genuine sickness :grin:

(As he typed away with an unracked 2U server whining at 65db 3 ft from him)

My GF hates me, lol.

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