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ARK Config


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Hello guys/girls,


Just wondering if a config is floating about for this game? Our community is interested in hosting this game but sadly ive given it a go at creating a config but it appears that the game isnt launching properly. But anyhow a config would be great





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I've created a working config for this. I was contacted by three guys yesterday, asking about a config for this. One guy said he wanted to pay me, so I bought the game. When I told him I had the config, he stopped answering...


I don't know if this is a bug with the game or what it is, but sometimes the server has 84 players, even though MaxPlayers is set to 70 - thus the server is shut down. I had to disable slot detection in the query settings to make it work.


Great game though, just sad that it hasn't been optimized properly yet :D

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When users try and join a full server it counts as a user according to the query list.

This has occurred with other games in the past.


The easiest way to it, is just to disable slot checking.


@nmo0ory If are you are going to run it just be aware it does use a lot of CPU and RAM. Usually a CPU core and 5GB

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Bah, yet another early access game.

I've had a few inquiries about this game myself.

Could someone let me know if they ever fix the slot count thing, then I could put a config in production use.


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I'd suggest changing the game and query ports away from the default 27015/6 or else you might run into some issues with source based games etc.


You can also add



To the end of ShooterGame\Saved\Config\WindowsServer\GameUserSettings.ini if you don't want to put it in the cmdline


Other than that looks like a nice config.

Anyone worked out PVE yet? :)

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i did find the following on steam


Here are some command lines for your servers:






ServerPVE: this enables PVE mode. players can not hurt other players, or their structures, or their tamed dinos.

ServerHardcore: this enables ahrdcore mode. when you die, your character is gone.

ServerCrosshair: this enables use of the crosshair

ServerForceNoHUD: this force disables the floating character name popups

AltSaveDirectoryName: this is if you wanna save the data to an alternate directory to run multiple concurrent servers or whatnot


GlobalVoiceChat: this will make voice chat not proximity based

ProximityChat: This will make text chat proximity based

NoTributeDownloads: This will disable downloading external items/characters/dinos into this ARK

AllowThirdPersonPlayer: this enables players to play in 3rd person foot mode (work in progress)

AlwaysNotifyPlayerLeft: this will notify playres when someone leaves

DontAlwaysNotifyPlayerJoined: this will prevent notification of players when someone joins



We will expose these all to INI in the next day or so, and create a GUI launcher shortly thereafter! Lots more coming as well for one of the devs




Also you can change your admin password and message of the day in this INI file:





SessionName=ARK #563569









ServerPassword: this is the p/w required to connect, if any

Password: this is a password to access cheat commands, used by typing "enablecheats Password" into the console. and after that, cheat!


also to help for admin commands



Edited by CprlRst
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is your config full and working fine ?

and dose i need the game for that ?


yes the config is work perfectly fine on my win 2008 server and you need the gamefiles to run the game but a copy of the game will be requred to update it

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When users try and join a full server it counts as a user according to the query list.

This has occurred with other games in the past.


The easiest way to it, is just to disable slot checking.


@nmo0ory If are you are going to run it just be aware it does use a lot of CPU and RAM. Usually a CPU core and 5GB


5GB, damn. New record for casual gameserver hosting. Even Minecraft would require a fair amount of players before reaching 5gb.

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i have a basic config here Attached not that a config file is really needed if you follow the config creation screen its pretty self explanatory.



You have to change your config !

it has your Steam info !

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hello when I try to add the xml you my tcamdin v2 gives this error


The opening tag 'yourpasshere' on line 136 does not match the end tag of 'steam_password'. Line 136, position 37.


The use of <> in the line is a illegal syntax.


Edit the xml-file in notepad++ (or whatever text editor u are using) and replace the variable in line 136 so it just shows as:



Then simply set your correct steam login after import.

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Now if you add the xml my tcadmin now and created a new server with the port 7777 appears on the list started but unofficial game servers do not see my server and I think that's the command line ??? ?



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hello my server now works, but I have another problem I find the server in the server list steam without problem





but in the list of servers in the game I can not find it anywhere and searched


private servers

unofficial servers


and I do not see why this should be?





then the dedicated server but has 3 ip ip tcadmin grabs the main server to create the port 7777 and started to install the port 27015 and block my ip


You can not create more than one server evolved?

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wow thanks for the replys and configs guys...tcadmin forums are a fountain of knowledge and good people. i will give this a try as ive been running the server from a shortcut as my config seemed to not start.


thanks agen



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