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Everything posted by {-SMAKU-}_MotorMouth

  1. We test and only allow mods for certain games. If it requires an upload of .bat, .exe, .dll or any other file that can be used to get into out systems we make the installer.
  2. We had someone installing CS 1.6 on one of our boxes. It was only 1.6 no other game servers. After we deleted the CS 1.6 no other servers were installed.
  3. I have the game running no errors but the game is not reporting to the game browser.
  4. Like I said they gave them to everyone that requested them. Yes we have the files. But they have stopped taking requests now with the game coming out in a couple days.
  5. They have given them out to everyone that requested them already no matter what size the company is.
  6. Did you check the sticky thread named "Sticky: Game Configs" for an rFactor config. HotLaps will not work with a config like games do. You will have to create a file to allow your customers to use the service correctly. If you don't you will have to start and stop it for changes to take affect and for the program to record data correctly.
  7. Which two are you using in the server port and query port in TCadmin. gameport authport lobbyport updateport
  8. I still get the same problems. -exec default.cfg -IP= -gameport 3658
  9. Here is the cfg I'm using: Here is what happens when I start it on the desktop. If I start it with TCAdmin it crashes as quick as the window pops up. This is the only AvP3 server I'm trying to run. No other AvP3 services are running I double checked.
  10. I can get it working fine starting it on the desktop. But as soon as I start it with TCAdmin it crashes and nothing loads.
  11. Download the file again and delete the text in the server_cfg.txt file. Use the config editor to save the text to the server then your server should run. I seen what was causing the double text on your server and I fixed the text editor. All new installs will be correct. I use the default config editor and that is why mine did not add the lines in. Because when I used the config editor it saves the lines they way they should have been. I also put the lines in the correct location so it will not confuse some people.
  12. I just installed a new server with auto installer and it fired up without any problems.
  13. The config has been fixed and update with the new server lines. It is working on our servers. I hope this isn't too "lated" pup.
  14. Here you go is a link for the files. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=CSPromod+game+files
  15. 1 of the problem I found was you will need to install .net from v1 to v2 to v3. Going from v1 to v3 a file dose not get installed that some games and programs need. I have had this happen on about 3 different programs. The other 2 it's been so long I can't remember them and the 3rd was well this game. Once i did that the files I downloaded worked like a charm. The only way I could get the current files was after I bought the game. The version they gave us a link to was old server files.
  16. You need to use only the files in the MP folder.
  17. You need to install the dx drivers for the game.
  18. If you're an Honor Server provider you should have had all of the new information from Pragmatic. You can't use AA2 Honor username and passwords on AA3 Honor, it requires a new Honor Account now. We have 2 working configs on this thread now so If you have the correct information from Pragmatic your Honor settings will work. The config I posted has a place for the Honor settings in the default config file. All you will need is the username and password and it will start in Honor mode.
  19. Go to the AA3Game\Config and open the AA3Engine.ini and add Suppress=Log under the [Core.System]
  20. You will need to add it to the defaultgame.ini file. The config I have posted is for honor and the auth is added in the config editor.
  21. With the latest build our CPU's are using 7 to 13% CPU and 500 to 900MB of RAM. I've not noticed a difference in the CPU and RAM from our 5405's just the Boot time is less on the 5410's and 5420's.
  22. 1: Do you run Honor server? Yes If not does your server showing in browser? Not unless it's in Global and it will need to be registed. The website for server registration is supposed to be online next week. That is the latest I have from Pragmatic 2: What cmd line you are using? It will be in the config: server Pipeline_dawn_clear?GLOBAL?MissionType=ad?MissionSize=large?MissionVariant=classic?MaxPlayers=26?MaxSpectators=0 MULTIHOME= 3: Is it possible you post here you default.ini file or Game.ini whatever? Yes, I have uploaded it. 4: Is roles working on your server? Server works fine just needing more tweaking from the Dev's. 5: Did you try to connect with more than one person?Are they all able to play in once ,because as I posted above I never had troubles runing server after I use cmd with LAN inside but ony 1 player can play all others just specating. The config will take care of that all you will need to do is change the Global to LAN, it does work. That is what I had to do before the beta servers were authorized. Yes all settings must be done to the DefaultGame.ini. It will overwrite the AA3Game.ini at any given time. The DefaultGame.ini creates the AA3Game.ini for the server to run. It's best to use the full install and don't just add a patch. The patch Prag sent out to the server providers was faulty and we had to use the full install again. America's Army 3 Honor.txt
  23. The Golbal is for it to show in the browser. If you run it with LAN it will not show in the browser. That is what I was told when we was setting up servers for beta.
  24. I don't know why the forums keep seperating the Max Spectators it should be MaxSpectators in the commandline.
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