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Everything posted by Dennis

  1. Ýou don't have to make any changes. Your users can just add sv_setsteamaccount <GSLT> to their config file, and everything will be fine. If you want to add it to the commandline, you will need to add a new variable for the game. In your default commandline template, you can then add "+sv_setsteamaccount ![variablename]".
  2. What's New in Version 1.0.5 [Changed] Disabled ForceBindIP as this does not work with CS2 and may cause issues with starting services. Please click "Update existing services" after updating the game config.
  3. See this: https://docs.tcadmin.com/billing-api/billing-api-examples The ZIP you can download contains examples of all billing API requests.
  4. Make sure you're not using the experimental config if you want to play stable.
  5. What's New in Version 2.5.1 [Fixed] In some cases, detecting the correct Java version would fail with "Cannot add the same member twice to a SerializationInfo object" when starting the server with a modloader. After importing/updating this, remember to click "Update existing services" in the game settings.
  6. What's New in Version 2.5.0 [Changed] The script that detects Java version has been replaced Now performs three checks and determines the highest possible Java version In some cases, this will be a bit slower - but the Java version is cached for that specific jar inside TCAFolder/Temp/MinecraftSHA256 and will be used when same jar is started. This is done across the entire server. Jars are matched against SHA256. Old script is still available in case you experience issues [Added] Option to use modloader args (eg. @libraries\net\neoforged\neoforge\20.4.237\win_args.txt) in the commandline instead of jars. Requires version or later [Fixed] Image links for some mods/updates After importing/updating this, remember to click "Update existing services" in the game settings.
  7. This is already possible with the MySQL Manager module for TCAdmin. Install it from the plugin repository in TCAdmin settings.
  8. @MrMayhem unfortunately the image is no longer available.
  9. If your services are running as TCAGame, each of your users would be able - in theory - to access each other's files. This is actually possible with plugins for Minecraft. They allow you to browse the server's files from the Minecraft server. If each service is running as a unique user, they will only have access to their own files. Some games can only run under TCAGame.
  10. Not necessarily - but that's a good option to use as well. Restricting which files (and file types) a user can access/modify/run is most important.
  11. TCAdmin doesn't start anything in containers and in theory that's bad. However - as long as you make sure to limit what the client can access, you won't run into an issue. Never allow the user to modify the executable file. If you give them access to .dll and .so files, make sure you know what you're doing.
  12. The script is only meant to work on Windows. I couldn't find a way to do the same thing on Linux, unfortunately.
  13. ServerJars has unfortunately shut down. I'm looking for another API that can replace it.
  14. Some modpacks have the wrong information in the CurseForge API, and that will result in a 404 error when trying to download the modpack installer. Unfortunately, we can't really do anything about that at the moment.
  15. What's New in Version 1.2.0 Support for Experimental 1.0 [Added] IgnoreEOSSanctions setting [Removed] SaveGameFolder setting This has no effect since savegames are stored in the same data as before (a "Saves" folder relative to the service's root directory)
  16. I will be working on updating the configs ASAP.
  17. The Community edition is limited to 4 servers. Every other type of license gives you unlimited access for just $15.95.
  18. You don't need to run the installer again. You should move the database to the new server. It might be a good idea to copy the ConfigUtility file to the new master server as well.
  19. You still need to check the task log to find out why it didn't create the game service.
  20. First of; make sure you move your database in case it resides on your master server. Without your database, all of your data will be lost. To switch the remote server to be a master server, open the tc_servers table in your database. Change the is_master field to 0 for your current master server and set it to 1 for the new master. Also make sure the new master server has id 1. Also change the server_id of the server's services to 1 in tc_services.
  21. Do you have multiple TCAdmin servers? If so, make sure the Master is able to communicate with the Remote server on the TCAdmin ports.
  22. TCAdmin denies access to a few file extensions by default. DLL files are one of them. If you want to allow clients access to .dll files, you can configure it from System > Settings > Game & Other Voice Services > Select the game > File System Permissions. Under "User Files", expand the "Add Permissions By File Name" section and remove "*.dll;" from the "File Names" field. Please be aware of the consequences, though. DLL files are potentially dangerous and allowing your clients to upload those files could compromise your server.
  23. In TCAdmin, navigate to System > Settings > Scheduled Tasks and check the log for the task. A common issue is that you don't have the files for the game server downloaded before configuring the server.
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