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Everything posted by DougK94

  1. Do you mean people connected cannot bring up console while in game or the console is not showing on remote desktop?
  2. Did you follow the steps in that thread that fixed his problem? What is the .cfg you are using?
  3. http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=1331 It and many others are in this zip file
  4. If you have the dedicated server files for BF2, you just set bf2cc to run the mod. The files are in the dedicated BF2 server files. playerlimit %slots% -noquitprompts -locknetsettings -autostart +mod/xpack
  5. There is on in this combined file. http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=1001
  6. Another Ubisoft so called "dedicated" server fiasco
  7. Ahhhh... I misunderstood, thought you meant you figured out the problem with Server 2003........ That will teach me for thinking.
  8. Only took me 2 hrs to FTP the zipped files up....would have taken 3 hrs to drive to Chicago or 20 hours to go to Dallas........
  9. There is an auto start switch you can set for BBO
  10. http://my.tcadmin.com/downloads/tcadmin.pdf See Section 4.1
  11. I have never seen any of these games on here. For that matter, I am not familiar with them anyways But to create a TCAdmin config for any game, it is easy enough to create one. Just use what you would use to start the server from a command line and add this into TCA with the proper variables and set up the correct paths.
  12. But at least he was around for much longer than many so called GSP's
  13. Neither of these have dedicated server files available. And due to licensing, distribution of the files is not allowed. So as vet said, happy uploading.
  14. I did some digging and found it. Get it HERE
  15. http://www.clanbaselive.com/cod4/ My bad, I just realized I posted a link swish made for cod4, not cod2......
  16. The search function in vBulletin can be helpful http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?p=21142#post21142
  17. You do not need to unpack them if you have the directory structure correct.
  18. You never know what all was done on pirated versions. Be safe and buy the game....
  19. Nope, there are not downloadable file for that game engine. You must upload them yourself
  20. Then you do not have the correct path in your cfg for the PB update. It should be http://www.evenbalance.com/downloads/moha/pbsvnew.dll
  21. Make sure "Game Compatability" is blank. A split second too late.......
  22. It works fine for all of mine. Check to make sure you have game compatibility set to "Call of Duty"
  23. I am using the one ECF posted earlier in the thread with no problems... http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showpost.php?p=19374&postcount=36
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