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Everything posted by DougK94
take a look at this old thread........ http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=1475
The cfg ECF posted earler in tis thread (post #36) work.
You have your work cut out for you then, time for a crash course in TCAdmin. You cannot learn it in a matter of minutes. Browse the forums and also check the knowedgebase at http://esupport.tcadmin.com Many of your questions can be answered by reading.
VII. Configuring the Dedicated Server =========================================================================== Most dedicated server options can be configured via the dedicated server launcher (DSLauncher.exe). You can also manually edit the ini files that are created by the launcher. There are some additional configuration options: -configfile="<path>\filename.ini" The ini file that server is going to use. Make sure you have quotes around the path. -ip=<ip_address> Network adapter to run dedicated server (and RCon) on -port=<port_number> Listen port for dedicated server. Default is port 10000 -nolog Turns server side logging off. -remoteport=<port_number> Sets up remote admin server port (different than listening port) -username=<username> EA account username to use for the server -password=<password> EA account password to use for the server -savepath="<path>" Custom directory that the game will use for logs and config files. Default is under My Documents for config files and under /UnrealEngine3/ MOHAGame/Logs for logfiles. Make sure you have quotes around the path. Example Commandlines: MOHAServer.exe -configfile="C:\My Games\MOHA\MyServerConfig.ini" -ip= -port=2432 -remoteport=24156 MOHAServer.exe -savepath="C:\AwesomeServer" -nolog -username=myeaaccount password=myeapassword. In addition to the command line options, both ip and port can be configured in your dedicated server ini file by adding the following config vars: ip=<ip_address> port=<port_number>
Dedicated files and patch finally released the other day.... http://www.gamershell.com/download_21758.shtml ================================================================== Medal Of Honor Airborne™ Dedicated Server Readme File Version 1.1ds (Standalone Dedicated Server Package) October 25, 2007 ================================================================== This update for Medal of Honor Airborne fixes several problems with the Dedicated Server and does not fix any Client related issues. ================================================================== Dedicated Server ================================================================== ·Allows for Dedicated Servers to bind game instance to a specific IP. ·Allows for Dedicated Servers to bind game instance to a specific Port. ·Allows .ini files to be stored in a custom path instead of MyDocs. ·A Dedicated Server no longer needs installation of full game. ·A Dedicated Server standalone package was created and size has been reduced for quicker uploads. ·The Dedicated Server now generates a log file under UnrealEngine3\MOHAGame\Logs or the folder you specify (see section VII). ·The Dedicated server logging can be turned off by adding -nolog to the command line ================================================================== Bug Fixes ================================================================== · Fixed a bug where MOHADedicatedServer.ini was used even if user had specified a different configuration file. · Fixed misspelling of "Disconnect" in remote admin tool. · Fixed response time for server commands for both server console and Rcon console. · Fixed Dedicated Server Console title bar to show current map and number of players. . Fixed a bug where all remote servers had the same port and password by default. . Fixed a bug where all remote servers were bound to same IP. Standalone Server Setup =========================================================================== NOTE: We recommend that you uninstall any existing versions of the MOHA Dedicated server before setting up the standalone dedicated server. 1) Download the latest Dedicated Server standalone package. 2) Run the self extracting archive file and extract contents to a folder of your choice. 3) Visual Studio 2005 redistributable package must be installed if it is not already in order to run the server. You can find it in Redistributable/vcredist_86.exe under the folder you extracted the standalone server. NOTE: The Visual Studio 2005 redistributable needs to be installed on the machine running the Remote Console (rcon) too, for the rcon tool to work. 4) If you want to use Punkbuster on your server, you need to install it using Punkbuster/pbsetup.exe under the folder you extracted the standalone server. 5) To run the server, you can use /UnrealEngine3/Binaries/DSLauncher.exe. After the first time you create the configuration files using DSLauncher, you can run MOHAServer.exe with commandline parameters described in this readme. ================================================================== End of Update Notes File ==================================================================
At least the game install is not as big as I thought it was going to be.....
New slogan for EA, If you fail, try, try ,try, try, try, try try, try again until we can’t make any more money by failing.
Currently you need to upload ALL of the files in the installation. EA really screwed this one up.
For a game that so many had such high hopes for, it is a total joke. At this rate, it will need about 25 more patches for it to be playable as a multiplayer game.
I understand , I thought you meant about the BF2142 servers.
No matter what you call it, EA still calls it reselling and it would definitely be in violation of their TOS.
I love the places that are taking pre orders for it at $x.xx per slot with no idea what the resource usage is yet. They could be in for a shock. Remember the surprise with the bandwidth usage for BF2?
Back to my post earlier in this thread, have you gotten it to run by the command line? and as was also suggested by ECF, have you disabled DEP?
I do not have either one.... 1st try to see if you can get it to run on the desktop by command line without using TCA....
Also take a look at http://forums.insmod.net/index.php?showtopic=5489 and http://www.steamfriends.com/wiki/Installing_Source_DS#Installation for help on installing SRDS.
Seems to be a decent mod.... Kind of a CSS meets BF2
I am not familiar with Soldat, but if the publisher of it does not offer the dedicated server files, you must purchase the game and upload the files to your server. This is the same for many games.
That is in the config I posted above, guess he did not look at it....
In bf2cc there is a switch to set to autostart the server
It is not really that much different to run the deamon over the standard server. Place the bf2cc files into a directory named 'BF2CC' inside of yout bf2 directory. Change the exec TCA uses to run the server from the bf2_w32ded.exe to bf2ccd.exe. bf2cc.com has loads of info about configuring bf2cc settings to run a server. Here is a start for you. Battlefield2bf2cc.txt
See http://www.tcadmin.com/onlinehelp/admin/directories.pdf and http://my.tcadmin.com/downloads/tcadmin.pdf These 2 have most of what you are asking.
I always wondered how The Place in Dallas was legally able to provide the game files for installation with their control panel. Maybe since they own the servers and are leasing the dedicated servers to their customers..... I am sure they did everything correctly or they would have gotten some nice letters from the game publisher's lawyers. But then I guess this would also apply to those with the TCA Enterprise Edition too. But I do not think TCA themselves are able to provide the game files to all TCA customers.
TCAdmin has many configs included with the default install. Others are posted In this forum that you have posted in. Others can be found in the TCAdmin demo. Many games have server files on their web sites you can download, and many require you to upload the files yourself. For those, you may not distribute the files without violating their copyright.