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Everything posted by DougK94

  1. LOL...true, I have used it for a while and there is not a problem at all, never really thought that much about the name of the site
  2. DougK94

    Config Set

    There are a couple, try a search for tf2
  3. I have not had any problem at all with this config. I also have used the demo config with just the exe changed without any problems also.
  4. Sounds like the directory structure of your game files does not match the config.
  5. They are listed here a couple of times, also bf2 and bf1942 configs are in the demo and you can get them from there
  6. They got their $$$..... we still buy the junk games......
  7. Another disk to add to my collection of $50 useless games........
  8. I just looked at one GSP who had it on their site originally for $1.49, now it is at $8.00 Hope they did not sell too many pre-orders at the original price
  9. Ouch.... But some will still sell it at $0.99 a slot.....
  10. Ubisoft has NEVER had good support for dedicated servers.....
  11. This is going to be a fun one to make a config for... If Ubisoft only had a clue on how to run a dedicated server, and do a decent interface for an MP game.......
  12. do a search on here for bf2cc. The exe in the config should be set to use bf2ccd.exe
  13. That is interesting It should not be too difficult then to come up with a config for it then. Similar to the other UT based games.
  14. The last i knew, there were no dedicated server files for this game. It can only be run by a player hosting it on their system while also playing. See http://forums.ubi.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/2751085444/m/4791071186
  15. Uses Jaggl's config posted at the end of this thread... http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=3689
  16. Your AA folder structure should look similar to the attached image if you are using the AA config posted here.
  17. My guess is that your AA game folder structure does not match the folder structure of the config.
  18. Search the forums for bf2cc http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=2319&highlight=bf2cc
  19. True it is, but many times the downloaded version do not work well if at all for a dedicated server. With EA downloader, you must be running the EA downloader program on the server and the game must be run from the location it was originally configured for.
  20. This problem is in no way related to TCAdmin. Some of the best resources for COD mods and maps are at http://www.raidersmerciless.com/ and http://www.fpsadmin.com The forums for both have good tutorials for the redirects.
  21. Have you configured your email server in "System Settings" "Mail Server Settings"? Have you also configured the TC_GSAUTO plugin at "System Settings" "Plugins" "Game Server Automation"?
  22. http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=4101 for your 1st Couple of ways, 1. upload only v1.0 and have a TCA patch file for it, or 2. Upload v 1.0 and v1.3 into seprate directories to install from.
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